Career Fair Preparation Session: 10/25, 12:30 – 1:20 p.m. in More 230


The department will be hosting a career fair preparation session on Wednesday, October 25th form 12:30 – 1:20 p.m. to help prepare you for our TWO GIANT career fairs. We will talk about what to expect at these fairs, how to prepare for it, and how to maximize your chances of success.

What: Career Fair Preparation Session

Where: More Hall, Room 230

When: Wednesday, October 25th from 12:30 – 1:20 p.m.

Why go: get advice on how to navigate our TWO GIANT career fairs

Who: Steve Muench (professor), Rachel Pearson (PhD student), and friends will help prepare YOU

The Construction Career Expo will be held on November 7th (11 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the HUB Ballroom) and the Civil and Environmental Engineering Career Fair will be held THE NEXT DAY on November 8th (1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in that same HUB Ballroom). These career fairs are a giant source of internships and jobs for our department. By going to both (you should go to both) you will have premium access to over 150 companies looking to hire people like you for internships and jobs. 

There are over 60 companies represented at this in-person fair and all are offering internships and/or jobs. This fair is hosted by the Department of Construction Management, but CEE students are invited and welcome. We outnumber the CM students at this fair.

You really must attend both these career fairs:

  1. You will meet your internship match. 51% of our students who had an internship last year met their company at one of these two career fairs. That is a WAY better match rate than Tinder. 
  2. The construction career expo is a MUST attend. Here’s why: construction engineering supplied 51% of all CEE internships and 47% of CEE jobs upon graduation (source: last year’s end-of-year student survey).   
  3. Go to BOTH career fairs. Many companies (including some you will be interested in) only attend ONE of the TWO career fairs. Don’t miss out on your match!

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