A&H Summer Course (closes 5/24)


Students need to register by May 24th for the course to run.

CMS 274: What is Digital Media?

Professor Mal Ahern – Summer Session A

5 Credits, Fulfills A&H Requirement

• Fully online and asynchronous
Optional in-person meeting on Thursdays for students on campus who want live interaction
• Four Canvas quizzes (1x/week)
• Four short “creative activities” graded on completion (1x/week)
• No final paper or exam

This class offers a long history of the digital, ranging from 19th century looms to generative AI. We will focus especially on how new technologies transform the work of media production. Topics covered include computer graphics, digital cinema, video games, and women’s roles in computer history. Assignments include exploring “weaving as code,” designing your own video game, and learning how to “glitch” digital images. All course requirements can be completed remotely and asynchronously. Email professor Mal Ahern (malahern@uw.edu) with questions.

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