New Courses Offered for Spring 2016!

The Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, together with the Department of Architecture, is offering a course that may be of interest to a variety of students: “A History of Civic Infrastructure” (CEE 298B). This is open to all students. Course can be arranged for 3 “W” credits. Also below, CEE 298A: “Panama: The Canal and Civil Engineering” (1 credit, CR/NC course)

CEE 298B: A History of Civic Infrastructure (Jointly offered with ARCH498D)

This course will explore design, construction, and impact of large-scale infrastructure projects in the United States, from the 1800s to the present day. From surveying the American West, to the construction of railroads and canals, to the municipal system which gave rise to urban density and skyscrapers, the United States (and Seattle in particular) has been uniquely impacted by the agency of engineers, architects, and builders to alter the given landscape. At the time, these projects were done in the name of many different social, political, racial, economic, and civic agendas–ones that are due for critical reflection in the 21st century. As infrastructure projects continue into the present day, these reflections are vital for young professionals who seek to engage/change the course of development into the future.

  • When: Spring 2016. Tuesday/Thursday, 3:00-4:20 PM
  • Where: Smith Hall 405
  • Contact Instructor: Tyler S. Sprague, PE., Ph.D., LEED AP (
  • Course Specifics: SLN 11874. W Credit available.

CEE 298A: Panama, The Canal and Civil Engineering

The course will cover an introduction to civil engineering then move on to Panama and the Panama Canal. Why are these two topics in the same course? The Panama Canal is a civil engineering icon and logically both should be discussed.

The content will contain a significant amount of history about Panama and the Canal then move on to the more current expansion and related construction. The last two weeks of the course will focus on the proposed Nicaraguan Canal and the existing Seattle Ship Canal.

CEE 298 is a one credit course graded C/NC. There are no scheduled lectures. All content is contained online in Canvas. Students will be expected to take the weekly online quizzes to demonstrate familiarity with the course materials. The quizzes are open each Friday for 24 hours within the week the material is covered.

Contact Instructor: Professor Joe Mahoney, Civil & Environmental Engineering (

Course Specifics: 1 CR/NC. SLN 11873.