Deadline for Fresh Ideas Poster Competition EXTENDED!

The deadline for submitting an abstract for the Fresh Ideas Poster Competition has been extended to March 31st! The Fresh Ideas Poster Competition is your best opportunity to attend the PNWS-AWWA 2016 Annual Conference in Boise, Idaho on May 5, 2016. Students can come fill out the attached “2016-Student_Poster_Application_Form” and return to Dan Reisinger at More information about the competition and conference scholarships can be found below or by clicking this link!

Fresh Ideas Poster Competition

Young ProfessionalsThe Young Professionals Committee of the Pacific Northwest Section of the American Water Works Association (PNWS-AWWA) is soliciting student and young professional posters for the Fresh Ideas Poster Competition at the upcoming 2016 Annual Conference in Boise, Idaho. Posters should present research or a project that deals with the water industry in its many facets (i.e. research, operations and maintenance, engineering, science, finance, communications, customer service, etc.).

Posters will be presented to judges and industry professionals on Thursday, May 5, 2016. First place winner will have the honor of representing the Pacific Northwest at the national ACE’s Fresh Ideas Program in Chicago, Illinois June 19-22, 2016 (airfare, hotel expenses and conference fees up to $1,500 will be reimbursed).

Conference Scholarships Available!

This year, the YP Committee, in conjunction with the Scholarship Committee, have $4,000 to help YPs and Students attend the conference. Please send the attached conference scholarship application (Annual_Conference_YP_X_Student_Scholarship) and expense sheet to Julie Smitherman at

Additionally, there is still a need for a few more volunteers to assist with the Boise Conference. Some volunteer positions only require an hour or two.  However, if you volunteer for a 4 hour shift you get the rest of the day for free!  This will save you or your employer a $100! If interested please reach out to Justy Thomas at

We have a lot of exciting YP events planned that week with our biggest event, the Scavenger Hunt, happening on Thursday May 5th (Cinco de Mayo).  We would love to see as many of you there as possible.