2019 EWRI Travel Scholarship – Deadline April 5, 2019

Application for Underrepresented Groups Student Travel Scholarship


The ASCE-EWRI Education Council formed the Underrepresented Groups Task Committee with the goal of encouraging engineering students of diverse backgrounds to become familiar with the Environmental Water Resources Institute (EWRI), to engage in EWRI activities, create a life-long interest in serving our profession, and to encourage more diverse participation in the organization. The Task Committee is reaching out to underrepresented engineering students by developing a Travel Scholarship for students interested in attending the annual EWRI Congress. The Congress is an excellent place for students to network with other engineers from around the world, gain professional development experience, and learn about current water-related issues. The Task Committee hopes to award at least one scholarship for the 2019 Congress in Pittsburgh, with the goal of building a sustainable, growing fund to be used each year to help bring more students to the Congress. If you are a student interested in attending the ASCE-EWRI Annual Congress, please fill out the application and submit it via email to the Task Committee Chair Angelica Huerta (ahuerta@protonmail.com) by Friday April 5, 2019. Please feel free to contact Angelica or the Vice-Chair, Cyndy Carlson (carlsonc@merrimack.edu) for more information.


1.0 Basic Information

Student Name:  
Email Address:  
Department (Major):  
Expected Graduation Date:  


  • Are you a member of an underrepresented group?

☐ Yes             ☐ No


If Yes, what group?

☐ African American               ☐ American Indian/Alaska Native     ☐ Hispanic or Latino/a

☐ Woman                              ☐ Other: _______________________


  • Are you an undergraduate or a graduate student?

☐ Undergraduate                 ☐ M.S. Student                  ☐ Ph.D. Student


  • How many years have you been in your current program?

Less than 1 year          ☐ 1-2 years          ☐ 3-4 years          ☐ More than 4 years


  • Have you attended the EWRI Congress in past years?

☐ Yes             ☐ No


2.0 Anticipated Conference Expenses



3.0 Do you have a poster or presentation accepted at the Congress?

☐ Yes             ☐ No


3.1 If Yes, please list the title of your presentation.



3.2 If Yes, please describe the work you will be presenting at the Congress in two or three easy-to-understand sentences, and the importance of your work to the discipline in one or two sentences.











4.0 Please describe how attending the Congress will benefit your undergraduate or graduate research and/or advance your professional career.











5.0 Please briefly describe your financial need.