CEE 498: Projected Scheduling has been added to the Autumn 2021 time schedule. This is a 3 credit course, taught by Professor Julian Yamaura, and will be taught in person TTh 1:30-2:50pm. It’s open to any CEE student that has taken and passed CEE 307: Construction Engineering.
There are currently 45 spots available. If you would like to take this class, please submit an add code request by next Tuesday, May 18th. This is not necessarily a first come, first serve situation, and we will do our best to accommodate everyone who is interested, but please have a back up class in mind in case all spots fill up. Please also keep in mind that we may prioritize rising seniors, as this class is only offered once per year.
A few things to note:
- This class counts as a BSCE technical elective.
- This class was originally slated to be taught in Winter 2022, and has moved to Autumn 2021. It will not be offered again in Winter 2022; this will be the only offering in AY 21-22.
- A permanent course number for Project Scheduling, CEE 435, is currently pending. It is likely that the course number will change from 498 to 435 before Autumn quarter begins.
If you have any questions, please contact ceetimes@uw.edu.