CEE Students, Are You Standing Out to Recruiters?

Hello CEE Majors –

You should have received the email/notification below earlier this week from CC@E.

CC@E is an amazing resource available to all students in the College of Engineering.

Whether you are a sophomore who’s unsure of what to put on your resume or a graduating senior looking to put the finishing touches on your job search, CC@E can help.

Schedule an appointment with them today! You won’t regret it!



Happy Autumn Quarter to our CIV E & ENV E students and alumni!

You’ve survived the virtual career fair (YAY!), BUT, did you know that employers are assessing you as candidates without you even knowing?

Here are the “Career Center @ Engineering’s” (CC@E’s) tips for staying relevant, whether you’re looking for internships or full-time roles:

  1. Follow this 10-day Handshake profile challenge (courtesy of Handshake) before the Winter recruiting season; a complete profile makes you 5x more likely to be messaged
  2. Know your “personal brand” and create an “elevator pitch (courtesy of Fast Company)
  3. Quickly talk through the application/interview process or a revised cover letter & resume via a 15-minute in-person “express” appointment (currently available next-day)
  4. Emailing your cover letter & resume to engrhire@uw.edu (current turnaround is two business days)
  5. Schedule a 30-minute Zoom consultation with CC@E to discuss your “personal brand” or participate in a mock interview (currently available one week out)


If you have any questions, stop by Loew 301 or email us (engrhire@uw.edu).