Welcome to Autumn 2022!

Hello CEE students,

Happy first day of the quarter from your advisors, Brian Kinnear (he/him) and Lauren Cushner (she/her)! We are excited to work with you this year and welcome everyone back to campus.

We’re available for 30-minute one-on-one advising appointments and offer drop-in hours 2 days a week for quicker or more time sensitive questions. Our drop-in hours this quarter are Tuesday and Wednesday from 11am – 12pm. You will always be able to find these hours/appointment slots on our advising page as well as in our email signatures. If you do not see a time that works for you, please send us an email at ceadvice@uw.edu with your availability and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

This year, we are introducing a CEE Undergraduate Advising canvas page as a way to make advising announcements and document important processes and FAQs. We’ll be publishing the page and adding you all as members by the end of the week! Once the page is up and running, we’ll let you know. Be sure to check it out for more details once that happens! This year, our weekly “emails” will be canvas announcements. Weekly announcements will be posted on Wednesdays. 

Here are some helpful links to get you off to a great start this quarter! (Bookmark these).

CEE Undergraduate Resources – This is your home for all things Civil & Environmental Engineering.

Feel free to stop by or send us an email if you have any questions!
