The Colleges

Strategic Directions

Strategic Planning 

The Colleges Program is engaged in strategic planning for quality improvement and to guide future directions of the Colleges program. In 2022-23, the Colleges conducted hosted faculty, staff and student focus groups and gained additional program perspectives from surveys. Thank you to all who have been leaders in this effort, and have shared their perspectives (see a summary from student listening sessions)  We are using what we heard from students, faculty, staff and leadership across the region to create next steps for our program. If you have additional feedback, thoughts or questions, we welcome you to connect with us! You can reach out directly to Molly B. Jackson (, Julie Calcavecchia (

“The whole art of medicine is in observation… but to educate the eye to see, the ear to hear and the finger to feel takes time, and to make a beginning, to start a (hu)man on the right path, is all that you can do.”
– William Osler

For questions about the UW Colleges program, please reach out to Dr. Molly Blackley Jackson, Assistant Dean for the Colleges (