Black Histories in PNQ

Pacific Northwest Quarterly has published many articles on Black History. Below, you can find a collection of some of the articles and essays that we have published over the last many decades. If you would like PDFs or back issues for any of these articles, you can order them from our online market.

Photo: International Sweethearts of Rhythm female jazz band playing at the Black and Tan jazz club in Seattle, 1944. (Museum of History and Industry Digital Collections)
Labor and Military History
Urban History and Housing Discrimination
Racism and Race Relations
Black Activism and Empowerment
Black History and the Turner Thesis
“Boeing Aircraft Company’s Manpower Campaign during World War II” by Polly Reed Myers. (2007) 98(4)

“Race, Industry, and the Aesthetic of a Changing Community in World War II Portland” by Heather Fryer. (2004) 96(1)

“The Early History of Fort George Wright: Black Infantrymen and Theodore Roosevelt in Spokane” by Mary Ellen Rowe. (1989) 80(3)

“Blacks and the Coal Mines of Western Washington, 1888-1896” by Robert A. Campbell. (1982) 73(4)
“’Feeling Good as White People’: Denial, Misdirection, Class Codes, and Discriminatory Land Use Policy in Portland, Oregon, from 1940 to the Present” by Olivia Fuson. (2020) 112(1)

“Jim Crow in the Tri-Cities, 1943-1950” by Robert Bauman. (2005) 96(3)

“Building a West Coast Ghetto: African-American Housing in Portland, 1910-1960” by Stuart McElderry. (2001) 92(3)

“The Nearly Forgotten Blacks on Last Chance Gulch, 1900-1912” by William L. Lang. (1979) 70(2)

“Emma Ray in Black and White: The Intersection of Race, Region, and Religion” by Priscilla Pope- Levison. (2011) 102(3)

“James Saules, Peter Burnett, and the Oregon Black Exclusion Law of June 1844” by Thomas C. McClintock. (1995) 86(3)

“The Early History of Fort George Wright: Black Infantrymen and Theodore Roosevelt in Spokane” by Mary Ellen Rowe. (1989) 80(3)

“Seattle Race Relations During the Second World War” by Howard A. Droker. (1976) 67(4)

“Black Man in White Town” by Thomas C. Hogg. (1972) 63(1)
“The Black Campus Movement in the Evergreen State: The Black Student Union at the University of Washington and Washington State University, 1967-1969” by Marc Arsell Robinson. (2012) 103(2)

“The Press and the African-American Community: The Role of the Northwest Enterprise in the 1930s” by Gerald J. Baldasty and Mark E. Lapointe. (2002) 94(1)

“W.E.B. DuBois and Frederick Jackson Turner: The Unveiling and Preemption of America’s ‘Inner History’” by Willam Toll. (1974) 65(2)

“Turner’s Safety Valve and Free Negro Westward Migration” by George R. Woolfolk. (1965) 56(3)