About Us – PNQ

Pacific Northwest Quarterly is the leading scholarly journal devoted to the history and culture of the northwestern United States, including Alaska, and western Canada.

Published at the University of Washington since 1906, PNQ offers articles, edited primary-source documents, book reviews, announcements of conferences, information on archival collections, and lists of publications, dissertations, and theses.

The journal is illustrated and fully indexed. Articles posted on this site, from back issues of the journal, suggest the variety of topics and the quality of work published in PNQ.


PNQ Staff

  • Bruce Hevly, Managing Editor

  • Kim McKaig, Editor

  • Sheila Ryan, Editor

Editorial Advisory Board

  • Steven Beda, University of Oregon (2026)

  • Josue Estrade, Central Washington University (2026)

  • Dorothy Fujita-Rony, University of California, Irvine (2023)

  • Andrea Geiger, Simon Fraser University (2025)

  • Jill Gill, Boise State University (2025)

  • Christoper Herbert, Columbia Basin College (2026)

  • Patrick Lozar, University of Montana (2024)

  • Joshua L. Reid, University of Washington (2023)

  • Katherine Ringsmuth, Alaska Department of Natural Resources (2024)

  • Dale Soden, Whitworth University (2026)

  • Quintard Taylor, University of Washington (2024)

  • Coll Thrush, University of British Columbia (2025)

  • Thaisa Way, University of Washington (2023)

Contact Us

Pacific Northwest Quarterly
University of Washington
Box 353587
Seattle, Washington 98195-3587
E-mail: pnq@uw.edu
Telephone: 206-543-2992