
Digital Resources

This resource guide provides annotated listings of websites relevant to the history of the Pacific Northwest, offering a starting point for conducting research about this region.

Curriculum Packets [UNDER CONSTRUCTION]

These packets were developed by faculty and graduate students at the University of Washington to support teachers and middle and high school students studying Washington State history.

History of Washington State and the Pacific Northwest

Lessons and lectures from the History of Washington State and the Pacific Northwest, an upper-division, undergraduate course on local and regional history. It focuses primarily on the three American states of Oregon, Idaho, and Washington, with additional attention to British Columbia, Alaska, western Montana, and California, from the mid-18th to the late 20th century.

Reading the Region [UNDER CONSTRUCTION]

Explores the history and literature of the Pacific Northwest. This resource is designed to increase understanding of the region by making the raw materials of history more available. In particular, it offers a wide sampling of stories and texts created both about and in the Pacific Northwest.