Pacific Northwest Quarterly, Volume 113, Number 2 (Spring 2022)
Columbia Boats, Voyageurs, and the River They Ran: Transporting Freight and Passengers on the Columbia River during the Fur Trade Era.
Thomas H. Holloway, 55-72
As Silent as Two Graves: Linking Genocide and Parricide in Gilded Age Oregon.
Peter Boag, 73-91
Book Reviews
Gregory E. Smoak, ed., Western Lands, Western Voices: Essays on Public History in the American West, by Robert Bauman, 92
Diane C. Fujino, Nisei Radicals: The Feminist Poetics and Transformative Ministry of Mitsuye Yamada and Michael Yasutake, by Moon-Ho Jung, 92
Gary B. Fogel, Sky Rider: Park Van Tassel and the Rise of Ballooning in the West, by Ross Coen, 93
Kiara Kharpertian, We Who Work the West: Class, Labor, and Space in Western American Literature, ed. Carlo Rotella and Christopher P. Wilson, by Adam Quinn, 94
Robert E. Walls, Resilience through Writing: A Bibliographic Guide to Indigenous-Authored Publications in the Pacific Northwest before 1960, by Stasie Maxwell and Brook Colley, 95
Anne MacKinnon, Public Waters: Lessons from Wyoming for the American West, by Jedediah Rogers, 96
Stephen W. Haycox, Alaska: An American Colony, 2d ed., by Jessica Leslie Arnett, 97
Timothy W. Ransom, For the Good of the Order: The Braget Farm and Land Use in the Nisqually Valley, by Steve Dunkelberger, 98
Helen J. Knowles, Making Minimum Wage: Elsie Parrish versus the West Coast Hotel Company, by Jonathan Parent, 98
The Archivists’ Page: Psychiana, Idaho’s Forgotten Religion: The Frank Bruce Robinson Papers in the University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives, submitted by Robert Perret, 100
Northwest History News Notes, compiled by Mary Paynton Schaff, 103