Pacific Northwest Quarterly, Volume 113, Number 4 (Fall 2022)
Vagrancy and Sex Work in Early 20th-Century Bellingham.
Josh Cerretti, 159-171
Writing Seattle History from the Margins.
Megan Asaka, 172-178
The Red Scare in the Far North: How Anti-Communist Hysteria (Briefly) Hindered the Alaska Statehood Movement.
Ross Coen, 179-192
Book Reviews
Peter Cook et al., eds., To Share, Not Surrender: Indigenous and Settler Visions
of Treaty Making in the Colonies of Vancouver Island and British Columbia,
by Jennifer Sankey, 193
Jennifer Adese and Chris Andersen, eds., A People and a Nation: New Directions
in Contemporary Métis Studies, by Kelly Saunders, 194
Jennifer J. Hill, Birthing the West: Mothers and Midwives in the Rockies and
Plains, by Rebecca Scofield, 194
Mike Bergman, Seattle᾽s Streetcar Era: An Illustrated History, 1884-1941,
by Jim Kershner, 195
Jeffrey K. Stine, Green Persuasion: Advertising, Voluntarism, and America᾽s
Public Lands, by Bob H. Reinhardt, 196
Deb Vanasse, Roar of the Sea: Treachery, Obsession, and Alaska᾽s Most Valuable
Wildlife, by M. Blake Butler, 197
Ron Verzuh, Smelter Wars: A Rebellious Red Trade Union Fights for Its Life in
Wartime Western Canada, by Gordon Hak, 198
Megan Riley McGilchrist, Exile, Nature, and Transformation in the Life of Mary
Hallock Foote, by Janet Floyd, 199
Valerie Sherer Mathes, ed., Gender, Race, and Power in the Indian Reform
Movement: Revisiting the History of the WNIA, by Barbara R. Locklear-Bilek, 199
Valerie Sherer Mathes, Amelia Stone Quinton and the Women᾽s National Indian
Association: A Legacy of Indian Reform, by Mark E. DeGiovanni Miller, 200
Sarah Carter, Ours by Every Law of Right and Justice: Women and the Vote in the
Prairie Provinces, by Tina Block, 201
Michael K. Johnson, A Black Woman᾽s West: The Life of Rose B. Gordon, by Albert S.
Broussard, 202
Northwest History News Notes, compiled by Mary Paynton Schaff, 204
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