Sarah H: How I Got My EHS Internship

How I Got My EHS Internship

By Sarah H.

Over winter break, my mom asked me how my search was going for a summer internship.  I half nervously told her I had not yet begun looking and then received a look of disappointment.  Going into my search for a summer internship I knew I wanted two things: one, I wanted to live at home (in Los Angeles), and two I wanted my internship to be Environmental Health related.  When I began to look this was hard because most University of Washington internship programs were Seattle-based, and the internships I found outside of Seattle seemed to be PR or marketing-related.  I became anxious because I did not think I was going to be able to find anything.  I thought this until I came across Beautycounter on (a job searching website). The job posting said this was an Environmental Health and Safety internship located in Santa Monica, which hit both my goals.   When I found this opportunity, I told my friend how I was applying at a makeup company I had never heard of.  My friend told me that she knew a consultant who worked for that company, and she gave me her number.  I next texted the girl asking about the company, and she gave me her manager’s email. I emailed the consultant’s manager, who gave me the email of the director in charge of hiring. I next emailed the director with a letter informing him of my interest. I also included my resume in the email.  After a few emails, I was offered an over the phone interview with the woman in charge of the Environmental Health and Safety DepartmentThe phone interview went smoothly.  I told her what my major was, where I grew up, and about my Environmental Health major at UW.  It was a very casual conversation, but I was also well prepared and had questions to ask her about the company to show interest.  After this phone call, I emailed her thanking her for her time, and received a note from Travis’s assistant saying that the woman was very impressed with me.  I was told I would hear back in a week.  After only a couple of days, I received a phone call that I got the internship! I was ecstatic!

What I learned from this experience is the importance of networking.  It was luck that I found the consultant, but because of her, I was able to email the director and stand out compared to someone who did not have that connection.  Also, I learned the importance of following up and being professional.  When I finished the phone interview, I made sure to email the interviewer, the director, and his assistant, to thank them all independently for their help and consideration.  These extra steps are something that I will continue to use whenever applying for internships or jobs in the future.

One comment

  1. I’ll continue to read this blog! It might answer the questions I’ll be asking: what did you do at that internship? Was there something you liked? Disliked?

    I’m in the same position you were in. I’m looking for internships in my area (southern california).

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