ISOM Newsletter

April 9, 2021

Winter 2021 Newsletter


Department News

The busy autumn quarter morphed into the relatively quieter winter quarter as everyone adjusted to virtual learning and virtual gatherings as they became more commonplace. Nevertheless, the ISOM department has kept busy with research and teaching, leading to a productive few months.

Faculty News:

Deb Dey has continued his appointment as adjunct professor with the School of Business at UW Bothell.

Stephanie Lee virtually presented her paper (co-authored with Shahryar Doosti and Yong Tan), “Social Media Sponsorship: Metrics for Finding the Right Content Creator-Sponsor Matches,” at KAIST, a national research university located in Daejeon, South Korea.

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Professor emeritus Andy Siegel‘s paper, “Geometry of Unconditionally Efficient Portfolios Formed with Conditioning Information: The Efficient Semicircle,” was selected as a Feature Article for Quantitative Finance. Congratulations Andy!

Kamran Moinzadeh and Shi Chen‘s paper, “Capacity Expansion with a Bundled Supply of Attributes: An Application to Cloud Computing,”(co-authored with Mohammad Arbabian) has been published in Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (MSOM), Vol. 23(1), pp. 191–209, 2021.

Deb Dey‘s paper, “Circumventing Circumvention: An Economic Analysis of the Role of Education and Enforcement,” (co-authored with ‪Abhijeet Ghoshal‬ and Atanu Lahiri) is forthcoming in Management Science.

Kamran Moinzadeh, Shi Chen, and Junfei Lei‘s paper, “When to Lock the Price? The Optimal Procurement Strategy under Input Price Volatility,” is forthcoming in Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM).

Michael Wagner‘s paper, “Crowdsourcing Last-Mile Deliveries,” (co-authored with Soraya ‘Nadia’ Fatehi) is forthcoming in Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM).

Kamran Moinzadeh, Shi Chen, and Yong Tan‘s paper, “Discount Schemes for the Preemptible Service of a Cloud Platform with Unutilized Capacity,” is forthcoming in Information Systems Research (ISR).

Deb Dey‘s paper, “Support Forums and Software Vendor’s Pricing Strategy,” (co-authored with ‪Abhijeet Ghoshal‬ and Atanu Lahiri) is forthcoming in Information Systems Research (ISR).

Elina Hwang and Yong Tan‘s paper, “Learning to be Creative: A Mutually Exciting Spatial Point Process Model for Idea Generation in Open Innovation,” (co-authored with Vipul Aggarwal) is forthcoming in Information Systems Research (ISR). It is currently available at:

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Winter quarter was a quiet time for conferences. Deb Dey participated in the 54th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS-54), held virtually from January 5-8, 2021. HICSS is an established scientific conference that provides an interactive environment for top scholars and industry professionals to exchange ideas in the the realms of information, computer, and systems science.

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Doctoral Program

Our students have been hard at work, juggling their teaching duties and research. One of our PhDs, Junfei Lei, has a paper (co-authored with Kamran Moinzadeh and Shi Chen) accepted and forthcoming to Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM).

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MSIS Program

During the Winter quarter, MSIS hosted 80 industry leaders representing 40 different companies to participate in our annual Professional Mock Interviews class! Students had the opportunity to connect one-on-one with industry professionals to practice their interviewing skills and receive constructive feedback in real-time.

Students walked away with more interviewing confidence, new perspectives on leading IT fields, and professional skills to carry with them through the program and beyond. This day would not have been possible without our dedicated MSIS community which continues to grow every year!  

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MSCM Program

At this point in the academic year, MSCM students have built foundational technical skills, expanded their team management and leadership skills, and dug into various supply chain concepts. During winter quarter, students applied that knowledge as they dove deeper into inventory management, competed in the annual TCU Supply Chain Case Competition, and participated in industry mock interviews. As the quarter came to a close, MSCM students met company representatives from this year’s Practicum project sponsors and learned about their business challenges and the projects. 

MSCM students during Mock Interview event.
MSCM students competing in the TCU Supply Chain Case Competition.

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Seminar Series

January 8, 2021
Gerald Kane
Boston College
Information Systems

Talk title: Wikipedia: The Canary in the Coal Mine for Online Collaboration

January 15, 2021
Phebe Vayanos
University of Southern California
Operations Management

Talk title: Designing Robust, Interpretable, and Fair Social and Public Health Interventions

February 12, 2021
Ramnath Chellappa
Emory University
Information Systems

Talk title: Platforms, Pricing and Piracy

February 19, 2021
Santiago Gallino
University of Pennsylvania
Operations Management

Talk title: Customer Supercharging in Experience-Centric Channels

February 26, 2021
Shiliang Cui
Georgetown University
Operations Management

Talk title: Slugging: Casual Carpooling for Urban Transit

March 5, 2021
Junfei Lei
University of Washington (ISOM PhD)
Operations Management

Talk title: Capacity Reservation and Leasing Plans for Periodic Random Demand Surges

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University of Washington
Foster School of Business
ISOM Department
Paccar Hall | Box 353226
Seattle, WA 98195-3226
(206) 543-1043 |