ISOM Newsletter

August 18, 2022

Winter/Spring 2022 Newsletter


Department News

Congratulations to our department administrator Shawna Reimers, celebrating 20 years at Foster and at the UW! Thank you for being such a vital part of the department. 

After 47 years of service to the Foster School of Business and the University of Washington, Ted Klastorin retired at the end of spring quarter. The department celebrated his tenure during the spring happy hour, where faculty, staff, and students gathered together to share stories and reminisce on the changes since the department was first created in 1985 and he was the founding chair. Congratulations on a long and storied career, Ted, and here’s to retirement!

As the school year came to an end, many of our faculty received accolades during Foster’s awards ceremonies – 

Uttara Ananthakrishnan received the MSIS Excellence in Teaching Award.

Elina Hwang and Leela Nageswaran both received the Dean’s Excellence Award for Undergraduate Teaching.

Tayfun Keskin received the McCombs Amplify Award from the University of Texas at Austin, McCombs School of Business.

Hamed Mamani received the MSCM Excellence in Teaching Award.

Kamran Moinzadeh received the PhD Program Mentor Award.

Shaosong Ou received the Undergraduate Programs Departmental Faculty of the Year Award for ISOM.

Issariya Sirichakwal received the Dean’s Excellence Award for Graduate Teaching, MSBA Excellence in Teaching Award, and the MSCM Excellence in Teaching Award.

Yong Tan received the Pacific Coast Banking School Dean’s Leadership Award.

Congratulations to everyone!

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Sunita M Desai, Jiejie Wang, Uttara Ananthakrishnan, Ishita Ghai, Ateev Mehrota, Hemant K Bhargava (2022). Estimation of Potential Savings Associated with Switching Medication Formulation. JAMA Health Forum, 3(2): e214823. 

Shi Chen, Junfei Lei, Kamran Moinzadeh (2022). When to Lock the Price? The Optimal Procurement Strategy under Input Price Volatility. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 24(2): 1183-1201. 

Elina Hwang, Leela Nageswaran, Soo-Haeng Cho (2022). Value of Online-Offline Retailers. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 24(3): 1630-1649. 

Elina Hwang, Xitong Guo, Yong Tan, Yuanyuan Dang (2022). Delivering Health Care through Teleconsultations: Implications for Offline Healthcare Disparity. Information Systems Research, 33(2): 515-539. 

Apurva Jain, Swapnil Rayal (2022). Managing Medical-Equipment Capacity with Early Spread of Infection in a Region. Production and Operations Management, special issue article. 

Vivek Choudhary, Masha Shunko, Serguei Netessine, Seongjoon Koo (2022). Nudging Drivers to Safety: Evidence from a Field Experiment. Management Science, 68(6): 4196-4214. 

Soraya Fatehi, Michael Wagner (2022). Crowdsourcing Last-Mile Deliveries. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 24(2): 791-809. 

Tongxin Zhou, Lu (Lucy) Yan, Yingfei Wang, Yong Tan (2022). Turn Your Online Weight Management from Zero to Hero: A Multi-Dimensional Continuous-Time Evaluation. Management Science, 68(5): 3507-3527. 

Mingwen Yang, Zhiqiang Eric Zhang, Vijay Mookerjee, Hongyu Chen (2022). Responding to Online Reviews in Competitive Markets: A Controlled Diffusion Approach. MIS Quarterly, forthcoming. 

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Our faculty and students kept busy during the first half of 2022 by attending and presenting at various conferences. In January, Tayfun Keskin was the session chair for the mini-track “Practitioner Research Insights” at the Hawaii International Conference of System Sciences (HICSS). In February, Apurva Jain participated in the University of Florida ISOM Workshop, where he presented “Managing Medical Equipment Capacity with Early Spread of Infection in a Region”. In April, Leela Nageswaran presented “Implications of Vaccine Shopping During the Pandemic,” and Sanchita Das had joint work presented titled “Delivering Locally Sources Nutritious Foods” at the POMS Annual Meeting held virtually. In June, Michael Wagner and Apurva Jain attended MSOM 2022, held in Munich, Germany. 

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Doctoral Program

During the end of the year celebrations, our students were recognized for their excellence in the classroom and in their research: Lijia Ma received the Dean’s Achievement Award, Mingrui ‘Ray’ Zhang received the ISOM Outstanding Teaching Award, Swapnil Rayal received the ISOM Outstanding Research Award, and Yifan Yu received the PhD Program Distinguished Teaching Award and the ISOM Outstanding Research Award. Congratulations to them all! 

This year’s PhD program Dean’s Reception was especially meaningful for the ISOM Department because the recipient of the 2022 PhD Alumnus Award was Param Vir Singh, current professor at the Tepper School of Business at Carnegie Mellon University and Class of 2008 graduate of the ISOM PhD program. Param shared stories from his time at UW (some at the expense of his mentor and former advisor/committee chair, Yong Tan) and gave some encouraging words and advice to the current and future graduates. It was a joy to host Param and show how much the ISOM department has grown within Foster and the impacts its graduates have made. 

We were able to celebrate our graduates from the classes of 2020, 2021, and 2022 in person during this year’s PhD celebrations! Our 2022 senior students are now headed to their new positions and off to greater adventures. Four of our students will be joining as assistant professors at the following schools: Jiaying Deng at Fordham University, Zhen Fang and Zibo Liu at Fudan University, and Yiming Zhang at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Yuankun ‘Andrea’ Li will be joining industry as she continues at Amazon. We wish them all the best with their future endeavors! 

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MSIS Program

The MSIS program hosted its annual Professional Mock Interviews class this past winter, hosting over 75 technology leaders from some of Seattle’s top companies, such as Boeing, Expedia, Alaska Airlines, and more. Industry partners provided eager students with constructive feedback through the one-on-one mock interview experience as they prepared to enter the workforce.

During the spring, students went on exciting Tech Treks to local Seattle companies, PACCAR and Truveta, to gain an inside glimpse at their IT strategy, tour their facilities, and network with the companies’ top IT leaders.

As the academic year came to an end, we celebrated the Class of 2022 at the MSIS Recognition Ceremony! Joined by faculty, mentors, and guests, students received insightful advice to tackle the next chapter of their professional journey from keynote speaker and MSIS Advisory Board member, B.J. Moore, EVP and CIO at Providence. The academic achievements of the class were honored at the ceremony and this year’s student-voted MSIS Excellence in Teaching Award was presented to Assistant Professor of Information Systems, Uttara Ananthakrishnan. It was a joyful celebration, and we are very proud of our Class of 2022!

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Seminar Series

January 14, 2022
Shawn Mankad
Cornell University
Operations Management

Talk title: A Structural Topic Sentiment Model for Text Analysis

February 4, 2022
Ananya Sen
Carnegie Mellon University
Information Systems

Talk title: (How) Does UGC Impact Professionals? Evidence from Local News

February 11, 2022
Lalit Jain
University of Washington
Marketing and International Business

Talk title: Nearly Optimal Algorithms for Level Set Estimation/Finding All ε-Good arms in Stochastic Bandit

February 18, 2022
Pei-Yu (Sharon) Chen
University of Arizona
Information Systems

Talk title: Can Bot Improve Equity? Machine-generated Content Mitigates Cold-Start Issue

February 25, 2022
Jun Li
University of Michigan
Operations Management

Talk title: Crowdfunding the Front Lines: An Empirical Study of Teacher-Driven School Improvement

March 4, 2022
Kostas Bimpikis
Stanford University
Operations Management

Talk title: Information Provision in Two-Sided Platforms: Optimizing for Supply

April 1, 2022
Gautam Pant
University of Iowa
Information Systems

Talk title: Predicting Employee Turnover Through Network Embeddedness

April 15, 2022
Ling Xue
Georgia State University
Information Systems

Talk title: Direct Communication and Two-sided Matching Quality on Digital Platform: A Perspective of Choice Based on Consideration Set

April 29, 2022
Antonio (Toni) Moreno
Harvard University
Operations Management

Talk title: Empirical Study of Algorithmic Assortment Curation in Online Marketplaces

May 6, 2022
Jianqing Chen
University of Texas at Dallas
Information Systems

Talk title: Sponsored Tasks and Solver Participation in Crowdsourcing Contests

May 13, 2022
Yifan Yu
University of Washington
Information Systems (PhD)

Talk title: Outstream Video Advertisement Effectiveness

May 20, 2022
Boxiao (Beryl) Chen
University of Illinois at Chicago
Operations Management

Talk title: Optical Policies for Dynamic Pricing and Inventory Control with Nonparametric Censored Demands

May 27, 2022
Yuan Zhong
University of Chicago
Operations Management

Talk title: Process Flexibility for Multi-Period Production Systems

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University of Washington
Foster School of Business
ISOM Department
Paccar Hall | Box 353226
Seattle, WA 98195-3226
(206) 543-1043 |