ESRM 430: Remote Sensing of the Environment


Approximate letter grades: 93% (A=4.0), 82 % (B= 3.0), 71 % (C= 2.0), and 60% (D= 1.0). You will fail the course if your cumulative % is below 59 % (F = 0.0).

Midterm (this self-paced inline test opens on in November – submission opened for a week) 20%
Labs (9) 45%*
Lab 10 – Final Project 25%
Weekly Knowledge-check Quizzes (weekly on-line, due a week from posting, self-paced) 10 %

Requirements for Graduate Students Only

*Annotated Bibliographies (undergraduate students do not submit these)

Graduate students do not submit labs. Every week, starting week two, an annotated bibliographic reference based on a remote sensing – theme refereed journal article will be due at the beginning of each lab session; for a total of 9 annotated bibliographies. We select and provide these readings to you. Thus, graduate student are expected to review the labs, however, the annotated bibliographies will substitute for the lab grade & Final Project (Lab 10 grade) totaling 70% of the graduate student grade; the remanding 30% of the graduate student grade is based on the midterm and quizzes. Instructions on how to produce an annotated bibliography are available at Cornell Library Site. (Links to an external site.) Each bibliographic reference will be graded as follows: 10 pts = Excellent, 8 pts = Good, 6 pts = Fair, 4 pts = Poor, 0 pts = Late or did not hand in.

Use Canvas to submit your labs and bibliographies.  Always use your name in the file name of your submission. Always assure that you are uploading files to the correct folder. You will have until the Thursday of the next module to submit your lab.