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February 2024: A conversation around coding and generative AI

What: Front-End Technologies Community of Practice Meeting
Topic: A conversation around coding and generative AI
When: Tuesday, February 20, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Generative AI as a tool for coding is here. This powerful technology incorporated into a code editor can help solve coding issues and the associated chats can provide robust information.

However, many questions come up like: What are the pros and cons of using these tools for coding? How do the tools help or hinder accessible and secure coding? How should we as university developers use these tools and/or where do we look for guidance?

This is not a discussion about best practices or university policy. Instead we want to get a sense through conversation of how developers are using (or contemplating use of) these tools now and what challenges they present.

In this lean coffee style discussion, we’ll start by deciding together what generative AI as coding topics we’d like to discuss during the meeting.

We hope you can join us!

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