Interdisciplinary Individual PhD

November 6, 2023

IPHD Fall Luncheon

By its very nature, the Individual PhD program–whose students design their own fields of study in conjunction with an interdisciplinary committee of faculty–can make community-building a challenge.

It’s reasons like this that make the annual fall luncheon is so important. Over a delicious meal of zuppa, insalata, and pasta at Piatti in University Village, students had the opportunity both to catch up with each other and to briefly describe their current research. Faculty advisers were able to give their perspectives on their advisees’ work in addition to describing how their own expertise aligns with this research.

Program Director Mark Zachry (second from right) emphasizes the need for events like this,  along with the upcoming spring quarter Research Symposium, to encourage students both by bringing them together and by allowing them to exchange ideas and share their research.