Interdisciplinary Individual PhD


Interested in what our alumni have to say about the program? Read direct quotes from IPhD alumni about the unique experience of pursuing this degree, and how it has benefitted their career.

Name Dissertation Title Chairperson, Department Graduated
Ginger Farrell A Possible Self Program for the Foreign Language Class Paula Nurius, Social Work 2024
Kimberly Perkins Optimizing Risk Mitigation: Advancing Socio-Processing Capacity in Sociotechnical Systems for Enhanced Efficacy of Aviation Safety Models Cecilia Aragon, HCDE, and Crystal Hall, Evans School 2024
Ronnie Thibault The Myth of Intellectuality and Development: Exploiting the Feebleminded Subject in Discourses of American Philanthropy Benjamin Gardner, IAS UW Bothell 2023
Rie Tsujihara Expressing Gratitude in a Foreign Language: Concept-Based Language Instruction to Teach Thanking in L2 Japanese Amy Ohta, Asian Language & Literature 2023
Judy Twedt Listening to Climate Data: artful experiments in the auditory representation of numerical measurements Dargan Frierson 2023
Benjamin Meoz The Reported Processes and Outcomes of Supervisor Social Identity Verbal Self-Disclosure and Social Identity Topic Management in Social Work and Higher Education Valerie Manusov, Communication 2020
Ryan Chase Campbell Engineering to Care: Exploring Engineering in Humanitarian and Social Justice Contexts through a Lens of Care Ethics Denise Wilson, Electrical Engineering & Philip Bell, Education 2016
Derek F. Greenfield White Face, Black Space: My Journey as a Chief Diversity Officer at an HBCU Laada Bilaniuk, Anthropology 2015
Charles William Cange A Post-Conflict Assessment of Breast Cancer in Kuwait Using Mixed Methods David Grembowski, Health Services 2013
Simon Js Wickham-Smith The Interrelationship of Humans with their Environment in G.Mend-Ooyo’s ‘Altan Ovoo’ Ilse Cirtautas, Near Eastern Languages and Civilization 2012
Lisa Mennet The Impact of Infant Attachment Disorganization and Maternal Lack of Resolution on Child Narrative Incoherence and Related Behavior Problems at 54-Months Susan Spieker, Family and Child Nursing 2011
Katherine Larson Norwegian Double-Weave and the Warp-Weighted Loom: The Northern Gudbrandsdal Tradition Terje I. Leiren, Scandinavian Studies 2011
Kevin P. Haggerty Long Term Effects of Staying Connected with Your Teen: Exploring Race Differences and Biological Mechanisms of Family Preventive Interventions Richard F. Catalano, Social Work 2011
Ainius Lasas Burdened by History:  EU and NATO enlargements through the lenses of collective guilt Christine Ingebritsen, Scandinavian Studies 2009
Maura O’Neill Cognitive Myopia: A thinking error that can result in serious judgment and decision-making mistakes P. Dee Boersma, Biology 2009
William Joseph King Toward the Human-Computer Dyad Thomas A. Furness, Industrial Engineering 2002
Janet M. Powell Effectiveness of comprehensive inpatient rehabilitation following traumatic brain injury Ilene Schwartz, Education 2001
Tami Christine Bond Light absorption by primary particles from fossil-fuel combustion:  Implications for radiative forcing Timothy Larson, Civil Engineering 2000
Kathryn J. Keller Racing immunities:  How Yellow Fever gendered a nation Susan Jeffords, English 2000
Alice Maria Egyed Theory and practice of music in a Tibetan Buddhist Monastic tradition Ter Ellingson, Music 2000
Walter Frank Hatch Rearguard regionalization:  Protecting core networks in Japan’s political economy Kozo Yamamura, International Studies 2000
Andrew Walsh Bartlett The free place:  Literary, visual, and jazz creations of space in the 1960s Johnnella Butler, American Ethnic Studies 1999
Daryl William Hochman Chloride-cotransport modulation of synchronous epileptiform discharge Philip Schwartzkroin, Neurological Surgery and Mark Cooper, Zoology 1999
R. Christopher Halaska Engaging community in the technical design process:  An analysis of the development of the Seattle Public Schools’ budget builder World Wide Website Andrew Gordon, Public Affairs 1998
Andrea Edith Glassberg Genetic testing for susceptibility to breast and ovarian cancer: A case study of clinical decision-making in medical genetics Albert R. Jonsen, Medical History & Ethics 1997
Jeffrey M. Bradshaw Mediating representations and constructivist knowledge acquisition Earl Hunt, Psychology 1996
Mary L. Laucks Quantifying the uncertainties in measurements of aerosol optical properties relevant to the direct shortwave forcing of climate Robert J. Charlson, Atmospheric Sciences 1996
Graciela Etchart Sustainable development in one Amazon varzea Robert G. Lee, Forest Resources 1995
Matthew Wayne Dunn A theory of animate perception David K. Farkas, Technical Communication 1995
Galen Eaholtz Molecular mechanisms of block of sodium channels by inactivation gate peptides William A. Catterall, Graduate Program in Neurobiology 1995
Andrew Harris Dittman Behavioral and biochemical mechanisms of olfactory imprinting and homing by Coho salmon Thomas P. Quinn, Fisheries 1994
Nancy Ellen Langston The general riot of the natural forest: Landscape change in the Blue Mountains Sievert Rohwer, Zoology 1994
Joseph Calvin Dupris The effect of cultural assimilator training on cross-cultural bargaining outcomes Ralph Johnson, Law 1994
Craig Jesus Poulenez-Donovan Public policy impacts on organizational behavior: A case study program evaluation – transportation demand management in Washington State Cyrus G. Ulberg, Public Affairs 1994
Karen Marie Lajoy Generalization of social skills training with traumatically brain-injured patients Felix Billingsley, Education 1993
Mary Beth Raum Decision anatomies of three technology based public bodies in the state of Washington Fremont Lyden, Public Affairs 1992
Robert David Keppel An analysis of the effect of time and distance relationships in murder investigations Joseph Weis, Sociology 1992
Gordon V. Wolfe The cycling of climatically active Dimethyl Sulfide (DMS) in the Marine Euphotic Zone: Biological and chemical constraints on the flux to the atmosphere Robert J. Charlson, Atmospheric Sciences 1992
Akihiko Kitano Stress-induced structural changes in thermoplastic composites James C. Seferis , Chemical Engineering 1991
Pamela Ann Mitchell Clinical and organizational impact of multiple changes in critical care: A case study Edward Perrin, Health Services 1991
Virginia L. Butler Distinguishing natural from cultural salmonid deposits in Pacific Northwest North America D.K. Grayson, Anthropology 1990
Claudia Lynn Haglund The development and testing of a multidimensional instrument for assessing patient satisfaction with hospital care Diane Martin, Health Services 1990
Karen Ellen Sjostrom Biochemical and immunological analysis of amino acid metabolism in the mycoplasmatales George Kenny, Pathobiology 1990
Bernice Laden A model of tonality cognition which incorporates pitch and rhythm Douglas H. Keefe, Music and Cognitive Science 1989
Mark Douglas Schaaf Modeling the lateral diffusion of fluorescent particles within a forest canopy Leo Fritschen, Forest Resources 1989
David H. Monroe Species and diet related resistance to chemical carcinogens: Biochemical mechanisms of aflatoxin B1 detoxification David L. Eaton, Environmental Health 1988
Ann Marie Adams Taxonomy, systematics, and ecology of Helminth Parasites of the Ringed Seal, Phoca hispida Schreber, in Alaskan waters Robert L. Rausch, Pathobiology 1988
Ghada Bathish Hallaq Discourse strategies: The persuasive power of early Khariji poetry Farhat J. Ziadeh, Near Eastern Languages and Civilization 1988
Theresa Eileen Julnes Collective bargaining among residents and interns in U.S. hospitals: Significant outcomes and implications Fremont James Lyden, Public Affairs 1988
Timothy S. Bates Evidence for the climatic role of marine biogenic sulfur Robert J. Charlson, Atmospheric Sciences 1988
Michael Stafford Donley An X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) study of in-situ fractured reaction bonded silicon nitride (RBSN) Thomas G. Stoebe, Materials Science and Engineering 1987
Robin Allison Heller-Harrison Structure and functional interactions of human type VI collagen in extracellular matrix and tissue William G. Carter, Pathobiology 1987
Wilma Lorrene Nicolai Foundations of cognitive objectivity Philip S. Dale, Psychology 1986
Paula Rae Sundstrom Germ tube-specific antigens of Candida Albicans cell walls George E. Kenny, Pathobiology 1986
Mary Frances Lee Wilkie The effects of antihypertensive drugs on cognition and performance Earl Hunt, Psychology 1986
Marjorie Bangs Bennett Individual and community style in personal narratives of storyteller Del Ringer of North Bend, Washington Henning Sehmsdorf, Scandinavian Languages and Literature 1986
Mostafa Kamal El-Din Mohamed Effects of methylmercury on testicular function in Macaca Fascicularis monkeys N. Karle Mottet, Pathology 1986
Mark Dale Morgan Thermoluminescent mechanisms of Gamma-Irradiated Calcium Sulfate doped with Dyasprosium Thomas G. Stoebe, Materials Science and Engineering 1986
Everett Junior Nichols Carbohydrates of human fibronectins and their transformation-dependent alterations Sen-itiroh Hakomori, Pathobiology 1986
Frank V. Brozovich Muscle force and stiffness: Implications for the actomyosin ATPase Albert M. Gordon, Physiology and Biophysics 1986
Carmen Cecilia Fernandez Refinement of fish oil for human consumption: engineering investigations George M. Pigott, Food Science and Technology 1986
Elisa B. Miller Economic policy in the Soviet Far East, 1965-1980: One aspect of Soviet economics relations in the Asia Pacific Region Herbert Ellison, USSR – East Asian International Relations 1986
Roger Oliver Silfvast Transferability of management skills between the public and private sectors Morton Kroll, Public Affairs/Political Science 1985
Bruce E. Torian Antigens of pathogenic flagellated protozoa George E. Kenny, Pathobiology 1985
Julianne Clark The persistence of hierarchy in participatory systems: Yugoslavia, Peru, and a critical theory alternative Lyman Legters, Russian and East European History 1985
Michael William Corr An ethnophenology for Kyoto with applications of geographical relativism to East Asian medicine Eugene J. Hunn, Anthropology 1985
Lynn Ellen Averill Elucidation of the mechanism(s) responsible for the decline in B and T lymphocyte Mitogenic activity with age in mice Norman S. Wolf, Immunopathology-Radiological Sciences 1984
Richard Scott Stephens Monoclonal antibodies to Chlamydia trachomatis Cho-chou Kuo, Pathobiology 1984
Andrew Marc Garfinkle Improvement of small diameter vascular graft performance with glow discharge treatment Allan S. Hoffman, Center for Bioengineering and Chemical Engineering 1984
Lynn Robert Frumkin Pharmacological asymmetry in the human brain: Evidence for the differential hemispheric action of amobarbital John E. Carr, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Psychology 1984
Neelima D. Courtney Possible neural control of lipoprotein lipase Stephen C. Woods, Psychology 1984
Michael R. Pendleton Police Stress: Value disparity, self-esteem and occupational strain Morton Kroll, Psychology 1983
Wael B. Hallaq The gate of Ijthihad: A study in Islamic legal history Farhat Ziadeh, Near Eastern Languages and Literature 1983
Robert David Stevenson III The ecology of body temperature control of terrestrial ectotherms Raymond B Huey, Zoology 1983
James Haywood Satterwhite Varieties of Marxist Humanism: Philosophical revision in post-war Eastern Europe Lyman Legters, Russian/East European Studies 1982
Robert Edward Nelson Late quaternary environments of the western Arctic Slope, Alaska Matsuo Tsukada, Botany 1982
Nanette Marie Pyne The impact of the Seljuq Invasion on Khuzestan: An inquiry into the historical, geographical, numismatic, and archaeological evidence Michael B. Loraine, Near Eastern Languages and Literature 1982
Dirgham Hanna Sbait The improvised-sung folk poetry of the Palestinians Farhat J. Ziadeh, Near Eastern Languages and Literature 1982
Rosalind Ward Gwynne The Tafsir of Abu Ali al-Jubba: First steps toward a reconstruction, with texts, translation, biographical introduction and analytical essay Nicholas Heer, Near Eastern Languages and Literature 1982
William Alexander Pearce Functional and antigenic aspects of Fimbriae of Neisseria Gonorrhoeae as correlated with structure Thomas Buchanhan, Immunochemistry of Infectious Diseases 1981
Sharon Lynn Mates Neuronal maturation and synapse formation in layer 4 of Macaque Striate Cortex John S. Edwards, Zoology 1981
Roger Maro Enoka Muscular control of a learned movement Robert S. Hutton and Doris I. Miller, Kinesiology 1981
Antje Rubach Neutron dosimetry with spherical cavity ionization chambers Donald K. Reynolds, Electrical Engineering 1981
James Joseph Mule In Vivo studies of local and systemic immune reactions to tumors Ingegard Hellstrom, Microbiology and Immunology 1981
Robert James Matthews Thermoluminescent mechanisms in calcium sulphate doped with dysprosium Thomas G. Stoebe, Division of Metallurgical Engineering 1981
Gerrit van der Wees Mobility and choice of technology in the development process in rural areas of developing countries: A study of change in northwest Tanzania Edgar Winans, Anthropology 1981
Marie Elailne Cantino Electron Microprobe studies of the Acrosome reaction in sea urchin sperm Dale E. Johnson, Center for Bioengineering 1981
David Lloyd Urdal The biochemistry of tumor associated Gangliotriosyl-ceramide and the use of this Glycolipid as a target for antibody dependent, Avidin mediated drug killing of tumor cells Sen-itiroh Hakomori, Biochemical Oncology 1980
Jovan Emil Howe The Soviet theories of primitive history: Forty years of speculation on the origins and evolution of people and society Lyman H. Legters, Russian and East European 1980
Virginia Dale Adams The implications of being an obligately outcrossing plant species: With particular reference to Pedicularis and its Bombus Pollinators Roger del Morel, Botany 1980
Joan Frantz Vesper The development of ideas, form, and flavor in children’s compositions, 2-12 William F. Irmscher, English 1980
Susan Tucker Blackburn The effects of caregiving activities in the neonatal intensive care unit on the behavior and development of premature infants Kathryn E. Barnard, Nursing 1979
Gary Seiji Morishima A systems study of natural resource development on the Quinault Indian Reservation B. Bruce Bare, Forest Resources 1979
Charles Francis Lough Factors influencing uncertainty in decisions about health and illness problems Robert F. Rushmer 1979
Marie Jeanette Cowan Quantification of myocardial infarct size Dennis D. Reichenbach, Pathology 1979
Tomas Ybarra-Frausto Three contemporary Chicano poets: Antecendents and actuality Michael Predmore, Romance Languages 1979
Nancy Kay Johnson Cultural and psychosocial determinants of health and illness Samuel F. Dworkin, Medicine 1979
Alice Lee Condgon Studies on Mycoplasmatales Viruses George E. Kenny, Pathobiology 1979
John Michael Cook The planter and the Gael: The Ulster experience in the poetry of John Hewitt and John Montague Donna Gerstenberger, English 1978
Sylvia Lynj Parriott Youngberg The effect of cycled and uncycled lighting on the sleep behavior of neonates Kathryn E. Barnard, Nursing 1978
Barbara Jean Martin McArthur An epidemiological study of nosomial infections attributed to Acinetobacter Calcoaceticus (Herellea Vaginicola) featuring a bacteriocin typing system C. George Ray, Nosocomial Infections 1976
Charles Richmond Garthwaite Laboratory control language; a laboratory automation system. T.M. Kehl, Physiology and Biophysics 1976
Margaret Ann Singer Attitudes about sex roles and the women’s liberation movement as predictors of psychological adjustment and eight case histories of modern and traditional women Nathaniel N. Wagner, Psychology 1976
Helen Mae Hanlon Social and organizational influences on the nursing care of the institutionalized elderly Mildred A. Disbrow, Nursing 1976
William John Young Impact of the administration of justice on criminal offenders: Perceptions of stigma by men on parole Ezra Stotland, Program in Society and Justice 1976
Frederick William Allendorf Genetic Variability in a species possessing extensive gene duplication: Genetic interpretation of duplicate loci and Examination of genetic variation in populations of rainbow trout William K. Hershberger, Fisheries 1975
Beverly M. Horn An ethnoscientific study to determine social and cultural factors affecting Native American Indian women during pregnancy Madeleine M. Leininger 1975
Leo Edward Lindbloom A catheter system for measuring blood vessel cross sectional area and blood pressure Charles A. Sleicher, Chemical Engineering 1975
Warren T. Hinds An ecological assessment of energy and cargon pathways in swards of Bromus Tectorum L. on contrasting slope exposures Roger Del Moral, Botany 1974
Rose Therese Sullivan The subculture of the aging and its implications for health and nursing care to the elderly Madeleine M. Leininger, Nursing 1974
James W. Balsiger A computer simulation model for the eastern Bering Sea king crab population D. Chapman, Fisheries 1974
Alan George Fantel Fetomaternal potassium relations Marshall T. Newman, Anthropology 1974
Michael John Meighan Some characteristics of conversational behavior among people in a natural setting Robert L. Burgess, Sociology 1974
Henry Albert Kennedy A behavioral study of the usefulness of financial ratios Lee Roy Beach, Psychology 1973
Mary Louisa Baird Carlsen A four-year retrospective view of the educational experience of a group of mature women undergraduate students Maurice Freehill, Education 1973
Sharon Leanne Zablotney Antigenic analysis of human cytomegaloviruses George E. Kenny, Pathobiology 1973
Joel Thomas Champion Some consequences of rapid managerial succession in complex organizations William G. Scott, Business Administration 1973
Carl John Jensema An application of latent trait mental test theory to the Washington pre-college testing battery Clifford E. Lunneborg Psychology 1972
George Alfred Racette Risk and the required rate of return William W. Alberts, Business Administration 1972
Kathryn Elaine Barnard The effect of stimulation on the duration and amount of sleep and wakefulness in the premature infant Helen Bee Douglas, Psychology 1972
Chan Jin Kim Foreign investment of Korea: Law and Administration Dan F. Henderson, School of Law 1972
Dennis Schuetzle Computer controlled high resolution mass spectrometric analysis of air pollutants A.L. Crittenden, Chemistry and R.J. Charlson, Civil Engineering 1972
Joseph Patrick Geraci Nucleic acid metabolism in X-irradiated rat thymocytes Gerald M. Christensen, Radiology 1972
John Glennace Varni Cognitive and physiological control of bilateral differences in autonomic activity Hans O. Doer, Psychiatry and Psychology 1971
Patrick Edward Connor Reward protocols in technical organizations: interpersonal competence versus technical competence William G. Scott, Business Administration 1970