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Video Glossary


Video production can use specific jargon which may be confusing at first. Take a look at the list below to see some terminology often repeated in the industry and this workshop.

  • Aspect Ratio: The relationship between the width and height of a video frame. Common aspect ratios include 16:9 (widescreen) and 4:3 (standard).
  • Color Correction: The process of adjusting the color and brightness of a video clip to achieve a desired look.
  • Cut: The act of removing a portion of a video clip from the beginning, middle, or end.
  • Export: The process of saving a video project as a file that can be viewed or shared with others.
  • Frame Rate: The number of individual frames that are displayed per second in a video. Common frame rates include 24fps, 30fps, and 60fps.
  • Keyframe: A specific point in a video clip where a change is made to a parameter, such as the position or scale of an object.
  • Montage: A sequence of clips that are edited together to create a specific effect or convey a particular message.
  • Non-linear Editing: A method of video editing where clips can be arranged and edited in any order, rather than being edited sequentially.
  • Overlay: A video clip that is placed on top of another video clip to create a composite image.
  • Rendering: The process of creating a final video output from a video editing project.
  • Timecode: A system of marking specific points in a video timeline for easier editing and synchronization.
  • Transition: The effect of blending one clip into another, such as a fade or dissolve.
  • Zoom: The act of changing the scale of a video clip, either by making it larger (zoom in) or smaller (zoom out).
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