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Reflection Activities

What is it?

An opportunity to reflect on your workshop experience! Use this time to debrief and provide true self assessment on your podcast production, workflow, and efficiency.

Where do I begin?

Ask yourself these questions:

  • What is one new thing you learned about yourself?
  • What was the most challenging aspect of creating a podcast?
  • As a content creator, what is one thing you wish you did differently?
  • Did you incorporate accessibility, preservation, open access, and digital identity, safety, and privacy into your workflow? Why or why not?
Complete your reflection and post it to your Discord channel. Include additional thoughts and reflections related to your experience in the workshop. Consider the relationships you made with peers and with members of the Coaching Team.

Is the workshop over?

No! We are coordinating a live listening party to celebrate your work. Feel free to join us on Zoom. Details will be shared in Discord.

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