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Environmental Enrichment for Birds

I. Introduction/Purpose

The goal of environmental enrichment for birds is to maximize activity while increasing species specific positive behavior and enhancing the animals’ well-being. The components of environmental enrichment for birds include social housing and perches.

II. Procedures

A. All birds will be provided with environmental enrichment unless:

  1. The investigator provides scientific justification to the IACUC as to why enrichment is not compatible with the goals of the study and the IACUC approves the variance.
  2. If, in the opinion of the Attending Veterinarian or designee, environmental enrichment will adversely affect the health or well-being of the animals. A Husbandry Special Services Request form must be completed and turned in by the responsible party (Investigator group or Vet Services) to the facility supervisor if environmental enrichment is to be restricted or absent.

B. Social housing

  1. Birds will be housed in compatible pairs or flocks of similar-aged birds of the same species unless they are wild caught or breeding. Wild-caught birds are of unknown age and background, and thus may need to be separated from other birds. Breeding groups should be kept separate from other breeding groups to avoid fighting. Males in breeding condition that are not breeding must be housed singly to avoid fighting. Fledglings will be kept with parents until weaning.
  2. Adult birds that that arrive separately are to be introduced to social housing if they will be kept in the facility for longer than 2 weeks unless they are wild caught. Wild caught birds are kept in quarantine for a minimum of 1 month and then, because they are of unknown age and condition, may need to be kept separate from other birds.

C. Perches – All birds should have perches provided in their cages. Perches should be of adequate width to prevent foot problems and replaced when worn.

D. New environmental enrichment items can be added with the approval of the Chair of the Environmental Enrichment Committee and the Attending Veterinarian.

III. References

  2. Environmental Enrichments Information Resources for Laboratory Animals (AWIC Resource Series No. 2), Environmental Enrichment for Birds, Christine Nicol. Environmental Enrichments Information Resources for Laboratory Animals

IV. Revision/Approval

SOP Created: 05/14/2012
Last Reviewed by the IACUC: 05/18/2023

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