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Environmental Enrichment for Dogs and Puppies

I. Introduction/Purpose

The goal of environmental enrichment for dogs is to maximize activity while increasing species specific positive behavior and enhancing the animals’ well-being. The components of environmental enrichment for dogs include social housing, social interaction with people, toys and food treats.

II. Procedures

​​A. All dogs will be provided with environmental enrichment unless:

1. The investigator provides scientific justification to the IACUC as to why enrichment is not compatible with the goals of the study and the IACUC approves the variance.
2. If, in the opinion of the Attending Veterinarian or designee, environmental enrichment will adversely affect the health or well-being of the animals. All such cases will be reviewed at least monthly by the veterinary staff.

A Husbandry Special Services Request form must be completed and turned in by the responsible party (Investigator group or Vet Services) to the facility supervisor if environmental enrichment is to be restricted or absent.

B. Social housing​

  1. ​Adult males will be housed in same sex groups of familiar males.

a. If dogs do not arrive in familiar groups, they will be initially housed singly and gradually introduced to determine compatibility for social housing.

i. Contact between potentially compatible dogs will be allowed with direct supervision by trained veterinary services or animal care personnel for at least 3-5 days.
ii. If there are no signs of aggression or significant social stress during supervised contact, dogs will then be allowed un-supervised contact during the day for 1-6 hours, for at least 3-5 days.
iii. If there are no signs of aggression, injury, or significant social stress following the unsupervised contact period, dogs may be continuously housed in compatible groups, with continued monitoring for aggression and injury.

b. Fights between dogs are expected to be rare, but if a fight occurs follow these safety measures.

i. Only personnel trained in disrupting dog fights may intervene.
ii. Notify Veterinary Services immediately.

2. Adult females will be housed in same sex groups. If necessary, an introduction program similar to that of male dogs will be used to minimize the number of singly-housed dogs.

3. Animals housed singly will be housed so they can see and smell other dogs if other dogs are present in the same facility.

4. Adult intact males and females may not be housed together unless being intentionally bred, and this has been approved on their IACUC protocol.

5. If aggressive behavior is noted, animal care staff will separate and notify veterinary services immediately.

​C. Exercise

  1. All dogs housed singly or in pens less than two times the recommended size listed in the Animal Welfare Act, must receive a minimum of 10 minutes of exercise daily, at least 4 days a week.
  2. Exercise can consist of toy play or hall walking.

D. Social interaction with humans

  1. Dogs will receive daily human interaction Monday through Friday such as toy play, hall walking, petting, and grooming. Bathing and nail trims will occur as needed. Treats, such as dog biscuits, may be given during this interactive period.
  2. Any dog housed without any other dogs in the same room, will receive human interaction such as toy play, hall walking, petting, and grooming seven days a week (AWA 3.8c2).

E. Toys

  1. All dogs will be provided chew bones or rubber/plastic chew toys in their kennels on a daily basis.
  2. Toys are to be checked daily for fecal contamination, removed if contaminated and replaced with a clean one.
  3. A separate set of additional toys made of rubber, plastic or rope will be available for puppies during supervised play time. These toys will be identified as for puppies only and kept in a separate labeled container. Do NOT leave these toys in the kennels.
  4. As per the SOP “B.1085 Care and Housing of Immune Suppressed Dogs/Puppies”, all toys for immune suppressed dogs/puppies must be reserved for these animals only and must not come in contact with any other canines. These reserved toys must be identified as for immune suppressed dogs/puppies only and kept in a separate labeled container.
  5. Toys must be rotated weekly for sanitizing and to prevent boredom.

F. Music

  1. Music is provided to reduce the stress response the animals may exhibit to activity in the room or to typical hallway noises.
  2. Music is to be provided for a minimum of 4 hours daily during the lights on period.
  3. Music provided is to be instrumental compositions (e.g. Mozart, Bach, etc.), nature sounds or compilations from the document Approved Environmental Enrichment Music per Species
  4. Music must always be played at a level below 80 decibels.

G. Implementation of enrichment should be recorded on the Animal and Room Care Log and the Environmental Enrichment Log in the animal housing room.

H. New environmental enrichment items can be added with the approval of the Chair of the Environmental Enrichment Committee and the Attending Veterinarian

III. References

  1. “The effects of Music on Cognitive Performance: Insight from Neurobiological and Animal Studies”, Nikki S. Rickard, Samia R. Toukhasti and Simone E. Field, Behav Cogn Neurisci Rev 2005; 4; 235
  2. Behavioral Management of Animals
  3. Animal Welfare Act Quick Reference Guides
  4. “Approved Environmental Enrichment Music per Species” document
  5. SOP, B.1085 Care and Housing of Immune Suppressed Dogs/Puppies​

IV. Approval/Review Dates

SOP Created: 01/21/2003
Last Reviewed/Revised by the IACUC: 09/19/2024

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