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3Rs Pilot Funding


The 3Rs pilot funding is a program designed to support the refinement, reduction, and replacement of the use of animals in research. Pilot funding is being made available to validate a question that addresses the 3Rs.


Micro Physiological System (MPS)Replacement: replacement of an animal model with a model that does not use animals. Ex: rodent health monitoring done by PCR, human cell-based microphysiological systems evaluating organ metabolism/toxicity (‘organs on a chip’), in silico systems to provide training and modeling, computer modeling.

Reduction: reducing (or optimizing) the number of animals used to address a scientific question. Ex: animal cell-based microphysiological systems, ensuring proper experimental design and statistical analysis to use the minimum number of animals necessary, utilization of controls for more than one treatment group, data sharing, tissue sharing.

Refinement: refining our interactions with the animals to decrease pain and distress associated with the use of animals in research. Ex: analgesic administration, positive reinforcement training, environmental enrichment, providing naturalistic environment for the animals, alternative ways of doing injections/fluid collection, acupuncture.


Auntie with juvenile non-human primatesThe purpose of the 3Rs pilot funding is to provide a source of funding that specifically supports replacement, reduction, and/or refinement of the use of animals in research.

The goal of this funding is to:

  1. Specifically address and increase knowledge of the 3Rs.
  2. Add an additional group or procedure to an existing project to support comparison with historical data that is applicable to the 3Rs.
  3. Provide unique opportunities to increase applicants’ competitiveness for subsequent funding in areas that address the 3Rs.

Proposals must demonstrate a high probability of generating important new creative activities or scholarly understandings, new scholarly materials or resources, significant data or information, or essential instrumentation resources that are likely to significantly advance the reputation of the university, lead to external funding, and/or lead to the development of a new technology.


Funding opportunities are available to faculty and employees of the University of Washington.


Zebrafish in TankAn individual may submit one proposal per round. Each proposal may request up to $10,000 in funding.

Recipients will be expected to present results at a symposium in June 2024.

A proposal that is not funded may be resubmitted two additional times (applicants are encouraged to take previous review comments into consideration). A proposal can be submitted a maximum of three times.

Deadlines & How to Apply

Deadline for submissions was November 1, 2023.

To apply fill out the following proposal.

Proposal Review Process

Mouse in Cupped HandProposals are reviewed by a 3Rs committee that represents disciplines from all categories of the 3Rs.

Proposals will be judged on the following:

  • The merit of the proposal.
  • Suitability of the proposal to further the goals of the 3Rs.
  • Available opportunities and timeliness of the proposal for obtaining subsequent funding.
  • Potential for the proposal to have broader impacts.


New applicants may contact Sally Thompson-Iritani, or 206-661-6294.

Submissions has been closed.


Non-human primate studying paper(For budget category guidance please refer to the Office of Research Central: Instructions for Preparing an RRF (Royalty Research Fund) Proposal, no eGC 1 required.)

01 Salary and 07 Benefit Costs

02 Personal Service Contracts and Other Purchased Services

List the nature and extent of the services. Payments of per diem to consultants are allowed only in exceptional circumstances.

03 Other Contractual Services

List details of service to be contracted. Subcontracts are allowed, but they must be justified. Conference fees, supplements to ongoing seminar programs, facilities renovation, membership costs, subscriptions, or production of CDs or other materials for commercial purposes are not allowed. Publication subsidies and/or journal page charges are allowed but should not normally exceed 10% of the total budget. Lab fees are allowed if based on actual use of the lab (blanket lab fees are not allowed).

04 Travel

Only travel necessary to conduct research will be supported. Explain the nature of the travel expenses and their relation to the project.

Identify individuals for whom travel funds are requested. Conference travel and registration fees are not allowed.

05 Supplies and Materials

List by major types, i.e., glassware, chemicals, etc. and give estimated cost of each major type.

06 Equipment

List all items of equipment and the cost of each item. Equipment will be supported only if tied to a research project and not available elsewhere on campus. A budget consisting solely of equipment will be funded only in exceptional circumstances.

08 Student Aid and other Grants and Subsidies

Use tuition rates as provided by the Graduate School. It is not necessary to budget for the Student Technology Fee.

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