Below is a list of the in-person training courses that we offer. Click the course title to learn about prerequisites, description, and schedules
Spring Quarter class options have been published. We are taking approximately five business days to process requests. Thank you for your patience.
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New registrants must fill out the updated registration forms and submit them. There are now 5 separate forms to provide efficiency and tailor the training experience:
- Rodent Handling & Procedures Course Registration Form
- Animal Facility Orientation Registration Form
- Animal Surgery Training Registration Form
- Other Hands-on Labs
- Lab-Managed Class Registration Form
Click the course title to learn more about it.
Mouse Hands-on Laboratory
Class availability is listed in the course registration form.
Prerequisites for Basic Class
- Completion of the online course “Working with Mice at UW”
- Completion of the Animal Use Medical Screening (UW personnel only)
Description for Basic Class

Basic Handling: is required for all personnel who will be handling or performing procedures on awake mice. The course includes a demonstration of proper techniques for humane handling, restraint, and use of mice. Instruction is provided on recognition of normal and abnormal physical and behavioral changes, gender determination, weaning, and various methods of euthanasia.
The main objective of this course is to have an in person lecture on mouse basics and to pass the mouse handling portion. If a learner does not pass the hands on portion they must retake and pass the course to be able to work with awake mice. If all learners have passed and time permits, subcutaneous injections and intraperitoneal injections may be covered.
Rodent Handling & Procedures Course Registration Form
Prerequisites for Advanced Class
- Completion of Mouse Hands-on Laboratory Basic
Description for Advanced

Advanced Handling: can be attended after passing Basic Handling for personnel who need to learn more advanced procedures that are not covered in Basic Handling.
Course topics are catered to attendees’ specific needs, so please indicate desired techniques at the time of registration. Possible course topics include: injections (intraperitoneal, subcutaneous, tail, retro-orbital, intramuscular, intranasal, oral gavage), blood draws (saphenous, submandibular, chin, tail, retro-orbital, cardiac puncture), physical euthanasia (cervical dislocation, decapitation), and other techniques as needed.
Participants can be certified (as required by the IACUC) to perform certain techniques on mice (e.g., retro-orbital injection, retro-orbital bleed, cervical dislocation, decapitation). Note: Approximately 2-3 techniques can usually be covered per attendee.
Retro-Orbital Bleed and Retro-Orbital Injection Certifications: Please be aware that these techniques often take more than 1 class to gain proficiency and obtain certification. Additionally, there is a 2-3 day waiting period after the bleed or injection is performed to ensure that the technique is performed proficiently and with no lasting trauma to the eye before certification can be verified. The instructor will notify you of the outcome. Personnel must be proficient in handling and restraint before attempting unanesthetized retro-orbital bleed certification.
Important Note: While you may learn a variety of procedures during the class, you are only allowed to perform the procedures/techniques outside of the training class if they are listed on your IACUC approved animal use protocol.
Rat Hands-on Laboratory
Class availability is listed in the course registration form.
Prerequisites for Basic
- Completion of the online course “Working with Rats at UW”
- Completion of the Animal Use Medical Screening (UW personnel only)
Description for Basic

Basic Handlding: is required for all personnel who will be handling or performing procedures on awake rats. The course includes a demonstration of proper techniques for humane handling, restraint, and use of rats. Instruction is provided on recognition of normal and abnormal physical and behavioral changes, gender determination, identification methods, and non-invasive tissue sampling. There is discussion of appropriate methods of anesthesia, analgesia, and euthanasia.
Rodent Handling & Procedures Course Registration Form
Prerequisites for Advanced
- Completion of Rat Hands-on Laboratory Basic
Description for Advanced
Advanced Handling: can be attended after Basic Handling for personnel who need to learn more advanced procedures that are not covered in Basic Handling.
Course topics are catered to attendees’ specific needs, so please indicate desired techniques at the time of registration. Possible course topics include: injections (intraperitoneal, subcutaneous, tail, intramuscular, oral gavage), blood draws (saphenous, tail, cardiac puncture), physical euthanasia (decapitation), and other techniques as needed.
Participants can be certified (as required by the IACUC) to perform certain techniques on rats (e.g., decapitation). Note: Approximately 2-3 techniques can usually be covered per attendee.
Important Note: While you may learn a variety of procedures during the class, you are only allowed to perform the procedures/techniques outside of the training class if they are listed on your IACUC approved animal use protocol.
Hands-on Training for Species other than Mice and Rats
Scheduled on an as-needed basis.
Training is available on proper techniques for humane handling, restraint, and use of the species. Instruction is provided on recognition of normal and abnormal physical and behavioral changes and gender determination. There is discussion of appropriate methods of blood vessel access, administration of medication, anesthesia, analgesia, and euthanasia.
Important Note: While you may learn a variety of procedures during the class, you are only allowed to perform the procedures/techniques outside of the training class if they are listed on your UW IACUC approved animal use protocol.
Scheduled on an as-needed basis. Contact the Training Coordinator at to arrange a training session.
Certification Techniques
Personnel performing certain techniques at the University of Washington must first be certified to do so. To gain certification, personnel must demonstrate proficiency in performing the technique under the supervision of a designee of the Attending Veterinarian. A list of techniques that require certification can be found on the Training Requirements page of this website.
Certification for non-surgical mouse and rat techniques are covered during the Advanced Section of the hands-on laboratories. Refer to the course schedules above for upcoming sessions.
Certification for all other species and techniques are scheduled on an as-needed basis. Contact the Training Coordinator at to arrange a certification session.
Lab-Managed Animal Care and Records
Scheduled on an as-needed basis.
(formerly known as Decentralized Animal Care and Records)
Lab-Managed Animal Care and Records
This course provides training on the basic requirements for maintaining animals and providing daily care for them within facilities not maintained by the Department of Comparative Medicine. The session covers basic procedures, regulations and requirements, and documentation. All personnel providing primary care for animals (non-aquatic) in Lab-Managed Facilities are required to complete this session. The PI or a professional staff lab manager is also required to complete this class. Note: rodent users must also complete the Sick Rodent Recognition session. There are no prerequisites.
Lab-Managed Sick Rodent Recognition
Scheduled on an as-needed basis.
(formerly Decentralized Sick Rodent Recognition)

This session provides training on the recognition of pain, illness, and injury in rodent species. It also provides detailed examples and discussion of commonly occurring rodent injuries and illness. Attendees will learn techniques for evaluation of pain and illness in rodent species. This session, in addition to the Lab-Managed Animal Care and Records session, is required of all personnel providing primary care for rodents in Lab-Managed Facilities. The PI or a professional staff lab manager is also required to complete both classes. There are no prerequisites.
Lab-Managed Animal Care and Records: Aquatic Animals
(formerly Decentralized Animal Care and Records: Aquatic Animals)
This course provides training on the basic requirements for maintaining aquatic animals and providing daily care for them within facilities not maintained by the Department of Comparative Medicine. The session covers basic procedures, regulations and requirements, and documentation. It also covers sick animal recognition and evaluation of pain, illness, and injury in aquatic species. All personnel providing primary care for aquatic animals in Lab-Managed Facilities are required to complete this session. The PI or a professional staff lab manager is also required to complete this class.
While there are no required prerequisites in order to attend this class, it is recommended that personnel complete the Animal Use Medical Screening (AUMS) before class attendance.
Lab-Managed Animal Care and Records: Octopus
This course provides training on the basic requirements for maintaining Octopus and providing daily care for them within facilities not maintained by the Department of Comparative Medicine. The session covers basic procedures, regulations and requirements, and documentation. It also covers sick animal recognition and evaluation of pain, illness, and injury in this aquatic animal species. All personnel providing primary care for aquatic animals in Lab-Managed Facilities are required to complete this session. The PI or a professional staff lab manager is also required to complete this class.
While there are no required prerequisites in order to attend this class, it is recommended that personnel complete the Animal Use Medical Screening (AUMS) before class attendance.
Lab-Managed Octopus Hands-on Husbandry and Handling
Scheduled on an as-needed basis.
- Completion of Lab-Managed Aquatic Animal Care and Records: Octopus
- Animal Use Medical Screening (AUMS)
This course provides training on proper techniques for octopus handling. Instruction is provided on appropriate interaction techniques and identification of behavioral states, including methods for encouraging positive interaction and avoiding possibly stressful situations for both animal and handler. This course also covers suggested enrichment techniques and an overview of measures to prevent escape behavior. All personnel involved in octopus handling in Lab-Managed Facilities are required to complete this session. The PI or a professional staff lab manager is also required to complete this class.
Surgery Laboratory Part IA: (rodent, fish, frog, bird users)
Class availability is listed in the course registration form.
- Completion of the online course “Introduction to Rodent Surgery”
This is the first session of a two part series designed to provide instruction on the basic tenets of surgical techniques in research animals and is intended for users of rodents, birds, frogs, fish, and other non-USDA species. Instruction is provided on opening sterile supplies, putting on sterile gloves, how to drape, handling instruments, sterilizing surgical instruments, suturing, and using surgical glue and wound clips. These topics will be expanded upon during the Surgery Laboratory Part II.
Note: Surgery Laboratory Part II must be attended within 6 months of Part IA.
Surgery Laboratory Part IB: (USDA non-rodent users)
Class availability is listed in the course registration form.
- Completion of the online course “Introduction to Surgery (Non-Rodent, USDA-Covered Animals)”
This is the first session of a two part series designed to provide instruction on the basic tenets of surgical techniques in research animals and is intended for users of USDA-covered non-rodents. Instruction is provided on opening sterile supplies, scrubbing, putting on sterile gloves and gowns, how to drape, handling instruments, sterilizing surgical instruments, suturing, using surgical glue and wound clips. These topics will be expanded upon during the Surgery Laboratory Part II.
Surgery Laboratory Part II
Class availability is listed in the course registration form.
- Surgery Laboratory Part I (A or B)
This is part two of the surgery training series. This session expands on the knowledge of sterile and aseptic techniques learned in Surgery I (A or B), and puts them into practice. The session includes a hands-on lab giving attendees the opportunity to practice clipping and prepping, incision, blunt dissection, suturing, and using surgical glue and wound clips.
Note: Surgery Laboratory Part II must be attended within 6 months of Part IA.