EH&S provides key support to researchers at the University of Washington for compliance with federal, state, and local regulations governing research with potential hazards, including biological and radiation hazards. They also provide recommendations for occupational health precautions and safe work practices to mitigate research-related risks.
Animal Use Medical Screening (AUMS)
The Animal Use Medical Screening program evaluates and addresses potential health risks related to working with research animals. All individuals working directly with animals or in animal spaces are required to enroll in this program.
Biological Use Authorization (BUA)
Animal research involving the use of biohazards, such as recombinant or synthetic DNA/RNA or infectious organisms, requires submission of a BUA application and review by the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC). More information about the review process can be found on the Biological Research Approval page.
EH&S is responsible for the collection of hazardous chemical waste for the University, including all campuses and off-site locations. Requests for chemical waste pick up can be made on the EH&S website or in MyChem.
Work with radioactive materials requires appropriate training and Radiation Use Authorization. The Radiation Safety team also provides guidance on how to work safely with lasers and radiation producing devices.
The EH&S Occupational Health Program strives to ensure the health and safety of University employees, students and support staff by providing resources and support to those working in the research environment, including animal care and use. The goals of the program are to prevent injury or disease from hazards in the workplace.