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USDA Inspection Reports

The University of Washington is inspected by the U.S. Department of Agriculture at least annually, as are all institutions registered to conduct animal research in compliance with the regulations and standards of the Animal Welfare Act (AWA). These inspections — of records, the research facilities, and the animals in them — are unannounced. Additionally, we promptly report non-compliant incidents to the USDA and other regulatory and oversight bodies, and these may be reviewed during an inspection.

We are voluntarily posting to this open web site the USDA inspection reports because we believe in openness and transparency about the important work that we do. Below are summaries, click the date to see the full report.

USDA Inspection Reports

October 8, 2024, Seattle

Items Identified for Correction Corrective Action Plan
Self-reported: Two instances where animal activities involving non-human primates were not fully described and approved in the associated IACUC protocols. Staff training has been reinforced to ensure adherence to established policies and guidelines. In one instance, animal work has also been voluntarily paused while the associated protocol is revised to include a complete and accurate description of the work to be performed. In the other instance, additional oversight has been implemented along with continued personnel management efforts to ensure compliance.
Self-reported: Four non-human primates sustained an injury in relation to an out of enclosure event. All animals were provided with prompt veterinary care and have since recovered. All staff have undergone retraining, and new job aids have been created to ensure enclosures are properly secured.
Self-reported: Continuous light exposure in a small number of primate rooms due to a programming error in the automatic light schedule and a failure in the alarm system. Measures were implemented to ensure that the underlying programming error is addressed and that diurnal light cycles are maintained within all rooms.

March 26, 2024, Seattle

Items Identified for Correction Corrective Action Plan
No non-compliant items identified

January 30, 2024, Arizona

Items Identified for Correction Corrective Action Plan
No non-compliant items identified

November 28, 2023, Seattle

Items Identified for Correction Corrective Action Plan
No non-compliant items identified

September 12, 2023 – Seattle

Items Identified for Correction Corrective Action Plan
Self-reported: Three instances where animal activities involving rabbits, ground squirrels, and a non-human primate were not fully described and approved in the associated IACUC protocols. The related protocols were promptly amended to ensure a complete and accurate description of the work being performed.
Self-reported: A non-human primate sustained an injury during the placement of a recording device by a trainee. The animal was provided with prompt veterinary care and has since recovered. To prevent future incidents, the research group has implemented a more structured training program and refined the procedure for device placement.
Self-reported: A non-human primate under anesthesia died during routine implant maintenance. An investigation revealed that the portable anesthesia machine used did not function correctly with the attached circuit, leading to the animal’s death. The faulty machine was immediately removed from use and additional preventative measures introduced, including refining leak and pressure checks for portable anesthesia machines and placing emergency kits in procedure spaces to enhance emergency response capabilities.
Self-reported: A non-human primate on study did not receive its daily ration of water due to a miscommunication between lab staff and husbandry staff. Upon discovery of the oversight, the animal was immediately assessed by a veterinarian and provided with fluids. No abnormalities were noted in the examination or bloodwork.
To prevent similar incidents, the research group has streamlined the process for providing water to animals in these types of studies and implemented a mandatory documentation form on animal room doors to track water provision. Husbandry staff will be expected to verify daily water provision and contact information for lab staff will be readily available for clarification if needed.

March 21, 2023 – Arizona

Items Identified for Correction Corrective Action Plan
Self-reported: In one indoor primate room, there were 5 separate occasions where the temperature was above 85 degrees F for more than 4 hours. There were no noted impacts to animal health during these times. When the temperature deviations were noted, an additional HVAC unit was activated and fans placed to provide increased air circulation. The main HVAC unit was evaluated by both onsite facility staff and an outside vendor. A partition was added inside the duct system of the main HVAC unit to further separate the intake and outflow air, returning room temperatures to normal. The out of range temperature alarm system is tested daily to ensure system is sending out notifications.

June 28, 2022 – Seattle

Items Identified for Correction Corrective Action Plan
No non-compliant items identified

June 22, 2022 – Arizona

Items Identified for Correction Corrective Action Plan
No non-compliant items identified

March 28, 2022 – Arizona

Items Identified for Correction Corrective Action Plan
No non-compliant items identified

January 25, 2022 – Seattle

Items Identified for Correction Corrective Action Plan
No non-compliant items identified

November 8, 2021 – Arizona

Items Identified for Correction Corrective Action Plan
No non-compliant items identified

August 31, 2021 – Seattle

Items Identified for Correction Corrective Action Plan
No non-compliant items identified

August 12, 2021 – Arizona

Items Identified for Correction Corrective Action Plan
In one indoor primate room, there were 2 separate occasions where the temperature was above 85 degrees F for more than 4 hours. There were no noted impacts to animal health during these times. When the temperature deviations were noted, inside doors were opened and fans placed to provide increased air circulation until the HVAC unit was reset and returned temperatures to normal. Out of range temperature alarm system is tested daily to ensure system is sending out notifications.
Evidence of rodents in the building housing primates. Installation of door sweeps, live rodent traps, and foam placement around the foundation and roof are being used to keep rodents out of the building.

July 28, 2021 – Seattle

Items Identified for Correction Corrective Action Plan
No non-compliant items identified

April 15, 2021 – Arizona

Items Identified for Correction Corrective Action Plan
No non-compliant items identified

January 26, 2021 – Seattle

Items Identified for Correction Corrective Action Plan
Self-reported: Rabbits did not received required daily checks over a weekend. All animals were assessed by a veterinarian and appeared healthy. The twice daily room check procedure has been revised such that a different technician will perform the AM and PM checks whenever possible as added insurance that all animals are checked daily. The twice daily room check procedure has been revised such that a different technician will perform the AM and PM checks whenever possible as added insurance that all animals are checked daily.
Self-reported: 1 NHP was left in a trapping run for at least 12 hours without access to food or water. It was observed in the compound on Sunday morning and was not observed in the compound during the afternoon check. The technician thought the animal had been moved to another location. It was found on the next morning check and received immediate clinical care. Personnel actions for those employees that did not follow procedure and confirm the location of the animal. Water bottles are being placed on the trapping runs. Adding a verification of animal count to the duties of the veterinary technician at the end of the day such that there are at least three separate individuals that verify that animals are in their correct locations daily.
Self-reported: A big male NHP broke 2 locks on the connector between side-by-side cages that are used for social housing and escaped into the room along with its female cage mate. Both animals along with several other NHPs in the room were injured. All were treated by veterinary staff and recovered. Staff regularly check all caging to ensure that it is properly attached and the animals are safe in their enclosures. During cage changes cages are evaluated for damage or wear that could result in future equipment failures, and repairs are made.

December 1, 2020 – Arizona

Items Identified for Correction Corrective Action Plan
Self-reported: A young NHP removed a feeder and exited the enclosure through the feeder opening. It climbed onto another enclosure where a NHP pulled its arm through the 1 x 1 inch mesh enclosure. The NHP received immediate veterinary care for multiple injuries that resulted in its left arm being amputated. Feeder opening has been modified so that even if the feeder is removed, the opening is too small for a NHP to fit through it.

January 3, 2020 – Arizona

Items Identified for Correction Corrective Action Plan
No non-compliant items identified

December 4, 2019 – Seattle

Items Identified for Correction Corrective Action Plan
No non-compliant items identified

June 4, 2019 – Seattle

Items Identified for Correction Corrective Action Plan
Self-reported: An incident of diversion of a controlled substance led to one nonhuman primate possibly receiving less than the optimum dosing of an opioid analgesic during clinical treatment. The animal did receive other pain relievers and did not appear clinically painful and recovered uneventfully. Also, during the inspection a controlled drug cabinet was found open and unattended with the key in the lock. The employee involved in the incident has been terminated from employment. This drug has been transferred to a central safe with limited access and is not in the lock box at the individual facilities. If an animal needs the medication, aliquots are taken out to do the treatment. The principal investigator of the lab with the open drug cabinet has placed a reminder sign on the procedure room door where the drug cabinet is located and reassigned the individual responsible for controlled substances in the lab. In addition, the research facility has reiterated the expectation that all researchers must keep their controlled substances secure at all times.
Self-reported: A nonhuman primate underwent surgery and died during the recovery period. The animal had only an abbreviated fast, had vomitted and ingesta was aspirated, which may have been a contributing factor. We had instituted corrective actions prior to this inspection. The facility SOP is revised to include if an animal has not been fasted appropriately, the research procedure will be rescheduled. The only exceptions would be in an emergency or clinical case, and must be approved by the Attending Veterinarian or the Associate Director, Department of Primate Resources.

March 12, 2019 – Arizona

Items Identified for Correction Corrective Action Plan
No non-compliant items identified

November 15, 2018 – Seattle

Items Identified for Correction Corrective Action Plan
Self-reported: A pigtail macaque pulled a chain holding an enrichment device into the cage, entangled its jaw, and asphyxiated. These types of enrichment devices were being modified to fit better, and the one involved had not been properly installed. Removed all foraging devices and chains. Evaluating all enrichment devices by committee going forward.

May 9, 2018 – Arizona

Items Identified for Correction Corrective Action Plan
No non-compliant items identified

March 6, 2018 – Seattle

Items Identified for Correction Corrective Action Plan
No non-compliant items identified

October 24, 2017 – Seattle

Items Identified for Correction Corrective Action Plan
No non-compliant items identified

August 15, 2017 – Arizona

Items Identified for Correction Corrective Action Plan
No non-compliant items identified

April 4, 2017 – Seattle

Items Identified for Correction Corrective Action Plan
Self-reported: The volume of blood collected from four nonhuman primates exceeded the amount approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) for collection in a one-week period of time during an 8-week research protocol. In addition, blood draws and sedation occurred in an animal that had been identified as anemic. Revised blood collection policy, SOPS, and blood draw tracking systems; retraining.
Self-reported: The research facility self-reported a nonhuman primate died while under anesthesia related to an experimental magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) procedure. The animal was monitored by research staff; however, inadequate anesthetic monitoring records were maintained during this and similar procedures. Changed the MRI anesthetic procedures and retrained all staff to chart anesthetic events appropriately.

January 25, 2017 – Seattle

Items Identified for Correction Corrective Action Plan
Self-reported: A non-human primate was found dehydrated and subsequently died. The water line to the cage was not connected, though logs indicated the the water had been checked every day prior to the incident. In addition, cages housing six non-human primates, including the one that died, had had cage changes extended by three days; if done on schedule, the dehydration might have been averted. Retrained and added second level of checks for lixits.
Self-reported: Cages housing six non-human primates, including the one that died, had had cage changes extended by three days; if done on schedule, the dehydration might have been averted. Retrained and added second level of checks for lixits.

October 18, 2016 – Arizona

Items Identified for Correction Corrective Action Plan
No non-compliant items identified

June 22, 2016 – Seattle

Items Identified for Correction Corrective Action Plan
No non-compliant items identified

February 9, 2016 – Arizona

Items Identified for Correction Corrective Action Plan
No non-compliant items identified

July 14, 2015 – Seattle

Items Identified for Correction Corrective Action Plan
Self-reported: An investigator took 3mm tissue biopsies from the wings of wild bats (one biopsy per wing) without first obtaining IACUC approval. Team members retrained to understand what is on the protocol. Significant change to allow biopsies was submitted and approved.
Three Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) approved protocols contained incomplete descriptions of activities using animals. Added detail to protocols on size and length of incisions, or size and weight of implants.

November 18, 2014 – Arizona

Items Identified for Correction Corrective Action Plan
No non-compliant items identified

August 1, 2014 – Arizona

Items Identified for Correction Corrective Action Plan
Self-reported: Infant non-human primates attacked and injured by adult males. Implemented changes to the group housing policy.

July 21, 2014 – Seattle

Items Identified for Correction Corrective Action Plan
No non-compliant items identified

April 10, 2014 – Arizona

Items Identified for Correction Corrective Action Plan
No non-compliant items identified

February 28, 2014 – Seattle

Items Identified for Correction Corrective Action Plan
A guinea pig was not given all required doses of pain medication Retrain
Self-reported: A research team member failed to give a second dose of pain medication to thirty rabbits, and anesthetics administered during surgery were not inaccordance with the protocol or the training on anesthetics. Retrain
A sedated macaque was momentarily left in a position where it might fall. The sedation training module did not specifically instruct on this handling issue. Retrain
Self-reported: A rabbit was found to have a fractured pelvis and was euthanized. Retrain
Chains used on macaque collars posed a risk of catching on something. Shorten or remove collar chains.
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