Remote Sensing & Geospatial Analysis Laboratory

January 31, 2018

Operational Lidar Inventory (OLI) – 2018 March 6, 7 in Olympia, WA

RSGAL/PFC labs will be attending this event, talk with the RSGAL Lab Manager (you all know who she is) if you want to participate and be included in our car pool and accommodations plans.

from Dr. Strunk:

Hello everyone,

I hope you are able to join us for the 2018 OLI meeting. We have a really great agenda this year. Thank you to all of the speakers who have agreed to present this year.

Kindly register as soon as possible for the March 6,7 OLI meeting in Olympia (link below). The attached tentative agenda has contact info, location, etc.


Thank you!