Remote Sensing & Geospatial Analysis Laboratory

September 25, 2018

PFC/RSGAL Intranet

Hello All, RSGAL & PFC lab Peeps!

As you might have noticed when you scroll to the bottom of the RSGAL website there is a link to the Intranet for RSGAL, this links you to password protected resources (you might want to bookmark it: This information used to live on the UW Catalyst Sharesites and Worksites that UW retired forcing me to redo all these sites again…It’s a work in progress as I redo this resource that I devoted already way too much of my time into, but I will try and keep it growing…please be patient with me…

Anyway, you will find some useful things here like the RSGAL and PFC logos, PowerPoint templates to use at conferences (I am hoping to post up before ForestSAT) as well as past thesis and dissertations so when I say Guang’s thesis you don’t need to go to the library. There are manuals as well as training videos that the lab has made for processing data for example the JAVAD GPS processing steps, or the hemispherical photo manual and internal documents that students in past years have produced as part of their thesis or dissertation; after 15 years of the labs existence we have built quite the collection, and I have added past PFC student work as well when I find it (prior to my arrival in 2006). All very useful stuff…

The most important thing you need to know and write down somewhere is the password to access these resources, you will need to email Dr. Moskal for this.