Remote Sensing & Geospatial Analysis Laboratory

September 17, 2019

Revised SEFS Grad School Handbook and Other Documents

Yey! No more ‘red book’ or ‘green sheet’! As a political refugee from communist Poland the reference to a red book used to drive me nuts, my father became an enemy of the state for handing in his red book!

From Dr. Ryan: “I’ve attached the revised materials (program of study form, course offerings, student handbook) that we have been working on this summer; most of these should already be posted on the SEFS website. The Program of Study forms for MEH and MFR are more structured and are also posted on our website. Notice that we are trying to use new language: Program of Study Form, Graduate Student Handbook (instead of Green Sheet and Red Book).”

Graduate Student Handbook 2019-2020.pdf

SEFS PhD Program of Study Form 9.3.19.pdf

SEFS MS Program of Study Form 9.3.19.pdf