Remote Sensing & Geospatial Analysis Laboratory

September 4, 2020

NASA Funded TealCarbon Project Field Season 2020

It’s official, we are collecting soil samples for the NASA Funded TealCarbon Project, Dr. Halabisky has already completed one trip out to the Hoh temperate rain forest watershed on the Olympic Peninsula, this week she and our incoming PhD student (he officially starts his graduate program in September but has been working on the project since August), Anthony Stewart, returned and are collecting soil samples in wetlands for carbon analysis. We have at least two more excursion this autumn to collect additional soil samples. This would not be possible without the support of our project manager, Maureen Duane, who is helping with our covid-19 field safety plan, hiring of a smaller then originally anticipated field crew, and all the other planning logistics to make this field season run smoothly. We are working on integrating this research as an example on the Climate Impacts in the PNW Workshop for participants from Nanjing University School of Geography and Oceanography, which will be virtual in 2020, but plans to return to in-person in the future.

Anthony Stewart (RSGAL PhD Student), Hoh watershed, September 2020.