Remote Sensing & Geospatial Analysis Laboratory


October 18, 2019

Malcom North @ SEFS

Malcolm North talking research, including spotted owl habitat modeling (citation below) with lidar research he has collaborated on with the Precision Forestry Cooperative. Dr. North is a Research Ecologist with the USFS PSW Research Station at Davis, CA. He is also an Affiliate Professor at UC Davis. North, M. P., J. T. Kane, V. R….

September 17, 2019

Revised SEFS Grad School Handbook and Other Documents

Yey! No more ‘red book’ or ‘green sheet’! As a political refugee from communist Poland the reference to a red book used to drive me nuts, my father became an enemy of the state for handing in his red book! From Dr. Ryan: “I’ve attached the revised materials (program of study form, course offerings, student…

August 21, 2019

Exploring wetlands at Mt. Rainier National Park (Paradise Area) | Impacts of Climate Change on the Pacific Northwest

The 2019 Climate Impacts in the PNW Workshop for participants from Nanjing University School of Geography and Oceanography is now in its 4th day, participants are starting to post their blog stories, here is my favorite story featuring Dr. Meghan Halabisky:  

August 19, 2019

Remote sensing postdoctoral opening in Canada

The Remote Sensing and GIScience Lab at the School of Geography & Earth Sciences, McMaster University, ON, Canada (PI Alemu Gonsamo) is recruiting a postdoctoral fellow to map C storage and distribution in terrestrial ecosystems of Canada. The postdoctoral fellow will develop and validate new mechanisms based on existing efforts to upscale ground inventories of…

August 6, 2019

Colton Miller General Exam – Aug 6 @ 11AM

Please join Colton Miller for his General Exam: August 6, 11:00 AM WFS 105 Committee Chairs: Ernesto Alvarado and L. Monika Moskal Committee Members: Megan Dethier, Brian Harvey, Van Kane Mapping Burn Severity and Forest Structure with Remotely Sensed Data Over the last several decades, the western U.S. has experienced increasing trends in the number…

July 25, 2019

PFC/RSGAL Alaska 2019 field work

From Ian McNabb; “Went out in the field with Hans today to use the mobile TLS!” …and a few more photos

July 4, 2019

UPDATE: PFC/RSGAL 3D Printer DIY Summer Project

Our 2019 summer project is a 3D printer, looks like Jonathan Batchelor is already using it to print housing for our MicaSense drone camera. -Sent on the go (LMM)

June 20, 2019

Western NAURFP Meeting

National Association of University Forest Resource Programs     It’s a rare treat to get to spend a whole day out in the woods, this was part of the Western NAUFRP meeting near Coeur d’Alene this past Tuesday where faculty/administrators (directors, deans and chairs) from western division forestry schools spent lunch learning about riparian forest…

PFC/RSGAL 3D Printer DIY Summer Project

PFC/RSGAL Team, instead of formal lab meetings over the summer, I propose that we continue to meet on Thursdays to work on building out the DIY 3D printer. We will meet in RSGAL from 11-1, you don’t have to attend the whole time, drop in over your lunch break. You are welcome to contribute as…

June 14, 2019

SEFS Graduation!

Look at those smiles, it was great to have a front row seat to see three PFC/RSGAL students walk the stage! Congratulations Ian, Matt and Erin, well done, we are all proud of you!!!

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