Apply for the Husky Seed Fund!
Undergraduate, graduate and professional students from across the University of Washington tri-campus are encouraged to apply for the Husky Seed Fund, an initiative supported by the Provost’s office. Successful applicants will be awarded up to $5000.
Applications are due on March 30, 2021 by 5 p.m. (PST). Review these tips to help you submit a strong application.
Created by students for students, the fund supports innovative ideas that will enhance the UW student experience. For projects to be considered, they need to be impactful, inclusive, and inventive. A previously funded project which has received statewide recognition is the Husky Cookbook.
We are also proud to support the 2020 winners:
- How Huskies Heal: Broadening interpretations of healing
- Indigenous Walking Tour: A guide to the Indigenous presence on the UW Seattle Campus
- Digital Humanities Day: Studying humanities in the 21st century
Here is a link to Frequently Asked Questions.
Send any additional questions to the Husky Seed Student Advisory Council: