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Resilience and Compassion Seed Grants

Applications are now open for the fourth annual Resilience and Compassion Seed Grant cycle! The UW Resilience Lab and the Campus Sustainability Fund – CSF – have partnered again to provide these seed grants, which support efforts to promote resilience, compassion and sustainability and to foster connection and community at the UW.


Seed grants provide financial and institutional support to students, staff and instructors to help them hone their skills; create impactful projects, activities, programming or applied research; and develop as leaders and professionals.

The application period will close on April 30, 2021 at 11:59 pm PST. If you are a student, instructor or staff member looking to make a difference on campus, we invite you to apply here:

Funded projects are awarded grants from $500 to $3,000.

More information about the application process and proposal guidelines can be found on the Resilience Lab’s Seed Grants page.


Reach out to with any questions or for more information

Research Funding through NIH Diversity Supplements for ALL Academic Levels

In an effort to support our diverse UW student communities, several units and centers across UW are supporting a student workshop and information sharing for students and faculty interested in taking advantage of NIH Diversity Supplements. Diversity Supplements can provide between 6 months to 5 years of funding (research funds, tuition, stipend and health insurance) for students and alumni supported by a faculty mentor/supervisor holding an eligible NIH grant.


What:  Virtual Workshop Research Funding through NIH Diversity Supplements

for ALL academic levels (undergraduate, post-bacs, graduate students, and post-doctoral fellows)


When: Tuesday, April 27th from 3-5 pm




Who should attend? 

This virtual workshop is intended for eligible undergraduates, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and early career faculty. For graduate students, post-docs, and faculty, supplements are intended support your transition into independent research careers. For undergraduate students, supplements are intended to give students a hands-on research experience.


What are Diversity Supplements?

Diversity Supplements are administrative grants that tie into existing NIH grants held by faculty. They directly align with the UW Diversity Blueprint, increasing a diverse student body and future workforce. Supplements provide up to 5 years of funding for research, professional development and academic support (i.e., tuition, stipend and health insurance).


Who is eligible to apply for NIH Diversity Supplements?  

Eligible applicants are US Citizens, non-citizen US nationals, and permanent residents that meet ONE or more of the following eligibility criteria: individuals from underrepresented racial/ethnic groups; individuals with disabilities; and individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds. For more information, please see eligibility criteria.


How much support do they provide to students and post-docs?

Diversity Supplements may provide up to 5 years of funding, which includes additional research funds, tuition, stipend and health insurance, so that you can focus on your coursework and research project.


What information will the workshop provide?

Join any or all workshop sessions –  Tuesday, April 27th


3:00 – 4:00 pm Part I: General information Session

  • Eligibility Criteria
  • Funding for tuition, stipend, benefits & more
  • Finding a faculty mentor and project
  • Application components
  • Process/Timeline
  • Additional resources


4:00 – 4:30 pm  Part II: Academic-level Breakout Session

Learn how to customize your application for undergraduate, graduate students, post-docs/faculty 


4:30 – 5:00 pm Part III: Faculty Meet-n-Greet Session

Informally meet faculty with eligible grants, learn about their projects and discuss potential supplemental projects 


Who is supporting this workshop? 

UW School of Public Health; UW School of Medicine (CEDI); UW Latino Center for Health; UW Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships & Awards; Center for AIDS Research (CFAR); Seattle Children’s; Fred Hutch; and University of California Irvine Institute for Clinical and Translational Science (ICTS)

TLC Spring Applications Open!

  • Are you a graduate or undergraduate student taking a reading- or writing-intensive class?
  • Is English your second, third, or fourth language?

Then consider joining the Targeted Learning Communities (TLC) program. Sign up today!

*Deadline: Saturday April 10th* (May still be taking applications, reach out via email)



TLCs are meant to help you support your classroom learning, combine your personal goals with your academic goals, and create a learning community. If you join a TLC, you’ll be paired with 6-15 fellow students and 1 tutor-facilitator from our center. You will work together to decode academic and cultural norms, practice language acquisition, and develop collaboration skills. Your group will meet once a week on zoom for an hour for 7 weeks (weeks of Apr 12-May 24), however, some groups may start earlier depending on how quickly they fill up and can continue meeting after the first week of March if they so desire


TLCs can cover many topics, including:

  • Reading difficult course texts
  • Participating in class discussions and activities
  • Understanding assignments/feedback
  • Interpreting classroom and cultural norms
  • Finding support services
  • Professional development (resume, cover letters, etc.)



  1. Make sure you one of the group meeting times work for you:
  • Undergraduate
  • Sarvin’s group: Tuesday 9:30-10:30am
  • Gio’s group: Tuesdays 3:30-4:30am
  • Fernanda’s group: Wednesdays 10:30-11:30am
  • Ashika’s group: Thursdays 6:00-7:00pm


  • Graduate
  • Brodie’s group: TBD (check our website for updates!)
    Emily’s group: Tuesdays 3:30-4:30
    Safiya’s group: Wednesdays 2:30-3:30


  1. Fill out this sign-up form by Saturday, April 10th. Remember that TLC is on a first come, first serve basis so sign up as soon as you can.
  2. Expect an email from your peer facilitator by that Monday with a Zoom link for your weekly meetings.


If you have any questions about TLCs or forming a group, please contact Sarvin at




The online workshop program aims to support multilingual and international students by strengthening foundational writing, reading and speaking skills through applicable exercises. It is designed to offer an environment where students are provided with the necessary building blocks to become confident and independent writers capable of producing quality work.

The Workshop program will cover many topics, including:

  • academic cultural norms
  • working collaboratively with instructors and peers
  • participating in class discussions and activities

Zoom links will be sent close to the date of the workshop; sign up here.



Workshop I: Sunday, April 18, 2021 at 1pm

We will engage with three predominant genres explored in introductory writing courses. Additionally, we will familiarize ourselves with English writing conventions and the structure of academic essays.


Student Board Application

Enhance your global leadership at the University of Washington: Apply for the FIUTS Student Board!


The FIUTS Student Board is a year-long learning and leadership experience that amplifies the organization’s mission of international understanding, supports programs, and represents the diversity of the UW. This is a great opportunity for UW students to develop leadership and teamwork skills, while fostering global community on campus. Members build professional networks and gain real-world experience working with the nonprofit sector. Election to the student leadership team is a competitive process and applications for the 2021-2022 academic year are currently being accepted.


·         Advocate for FIUTS values of peace, community, diversity, dialogue, engagement, and service

·         Improve your leadership, organizational, event-planning, and communication skills

·         Learn about the nonprofit sector while serving on a nonprofit Board of Trustees

·         Work closely with FIUTS staff in carrying out the organization’s programs and mission


All UW students welcome to apply!

International, U.S., Undergraduate, Graduate, and IELP


Application Deadline: 11:59 p.m. on April 9, 2021

Apply online:

Odegaard Writing & Research Center Hiring Peer Tutors for 2021-2022

The Odegaard Writing & Research Center (OWRC) is now hiring for multiple hourly peer tutor positions beginning Fall Quarter 2021 and continuing through Spring Quarter 2022. If you know someone who might be both interested in and qualified to apply for work as a peer writing tutor at the OWRC, please feel free to share the following link to our application (


The OWRC is an interdisciplinary writing and research center that aims to support UW students, staff, and faculty on their diverse writing and research projects through one-to-one tutoring sessions, workshops, and other programs.


Our tutors are undergraduate and graduate students from a wide range of academic fields, and we provide a rich learning environment for writers and tutors alike. We consistently hear from tutors that their work here is challenging and transformative.


Peer Tutor Applications are due on Sunday, April 25th at 11:59 pm. We encourage applicants to bring their materials to the OWRC and discuss them with our current tutors—just make an appointment and we’ll see you online. Students who have applied in the past are welcome to apply again. Please email if you have any questions!


Call for Applications: UW Husky Seed Fund

Apply for the Husky Seed Fund!


Undergraduate, graduate and professional students from across the University of Washington tri-campus are encouraged to apply for the Husky Seed Fund, an initiative supported by the Provost’s office. Successful applicants will be awarded up to $5000.


Applications are due on March 30, 2021 by 5 p.m. (PST). Review these tips to help you submit a strong application.


Created by students for students, the fund supports innovative ideas that will enhance the UW student experience. For projects to be considered, they need to be impactful, inclusive, and inventive. A previously funded project which has received statewide recognition is the Husky Cookbook.


We are also proud to support the 2020 winners:



Here is a link to Frequently Asked Questions.

Send any additional questions to the Husky Seed Student Advisory Council:


Audiology Jobs & Externships

Fuel Medical has positions available in ENT and private practice settings in various states across the country (CA, OR, MT, NV, TZ, NC, VA, NJ, NY, GA, PA ,IL and more!). We even have a few externship positions still available! I encourage you to share my contact information with anyone you know who is looking for a new opportunity.

To stay up to date on our current listings,  please follow us on LinkedIn.

Don’t see any positions in your areas of interest? We’re also here to help with networking! Please connect with us.

Christi Hamilton, COPM-C | Human Resources Generalist | Fuel Medical Group
360.949.1093 | f: 360.216.0339

UW Q-munity Recruitment for LGBTQ+ Students

Q-munity is looking for LGBTQ+ students looking to socialize and connect with like-minded individuals on campus! We host a variety of social events and always welcome new members.

On Thursday, February 4th, the club is hosting Q-munity’s Price is Right recruitment event and anyone is welcome to join! We are still a small, up-and-coming RSO and we hope you will join us. Our meeting zoom link can be found at Instagram @uwqmunity in our bio. Feel free to reach out to us at with any questions!

January Scholarship Sessions & Workshops

Now is a great time to remind students about local scholarship season. There are a lot of local to UW and local to Washington scholarships that are open or opening this month. Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships & Awards is offering several sessions to support students from search to statement. Please share these January workshops with your undergraduate students. Thanks so much!


Scholarship strategies for 2nd & 3rd year students

Our number one piece of advice for scholarships is to start early! Get an early start on your scholarship search and application process by finding out what it takes to become a competitive candidate. We’ll talk through what it means to be an active, and engaged student and best to highlight those qualities in an app! We’ll share upcoming opportunities as well as some ideas for the future-including graduate school funding, funding to go abroad and others!

Jan. 28 | 4:00–5:00 p.m. | Join us on Zoom


Showcase your Engagement: CV & Resume Workshop

Use your scholarship resume, CV, or activities sheet to highlight experiences that are meaningful to you, illustrate the steps you are taking to reach your goals, and help a committee to understand how you spend your time.

Jan. 27 | 4:00–5:00 p.m. | Join us on Zoom


Personal statement writing workshop

We’ll share tools, insights and ideas for you to use as you develop your statements for scholarships, summer research or other academic programs. Be ready to participate in a few writing exercises to help get you started.

Jan. 26 | 4:00–5:00 p.m. | Join us on Zoom

Virtual Library Study Room

Virtual Library Study Room

Sunday, December 13, 4 pm – 8 pm (EST)

Get Zoom link:

Don’t want to study alone? All students are welcome to join the UW Libraries’ virtual study room. We’ll provide motivational tips, a variety of soundtracks to study to, and opportunities for you to meet and chat with other students. Come for the whole time or stop by for a lightning study session. Studying for finals is hard enough– you don’t have to do it alone!

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