Sustainable Transportation Lab

March 30, 2018

Tokyo as I walked

Recently, I was invited to visit the Laboratory for Cognitive System Science at University of Tsukuba and explore potential collaborations as a visiting PhD student. In the middle of February, I arrived in Tokyo and spend some time there before going to Tsukuba. During my stay in Tokyo, weather was mostly cold with clear sky and…

March 19, 2018

Are Uber’s autonomous vehicles safe?

This morning I learned of the tragic death of a pedestrian in Tempe, Arizona last night, who was struck by an automated vehicle (AV) being tested by Uber. The obvious question this raises is whether AVs in general and Uber’s AVs in particular are more or less safe than conventional vehicles. The problem is that…

March 5, 2018

What would steel and aluminum tariffs mean for automobile costs, materials choice, and fuel economy?

Last week President Trump announced an intention to impose tariffs of 10% on imported aluminum and 25% on imported steel. Although this would drive up costs for automobile manufacturing in general, it could actually have the effect of reducing the cost premium of building more fuel efficient vehicles. The average domestic light-duty vehicle (LDV) was…