October 22, 2018
My Experience at Geohackweek 2018
Tianqi Zou Right before the beginning of this quarter, my first at the UW, I attended the third annual Geohackweek workshop. Hosted by the University of Washington’s eScience Institute, Geohackweek 2018 was a five-day hackweek on geospatial data science, where participants came from all over the world with diverse backgrounds, academic and working status. It…
October 11, 2018
Did BC’s speed limit increase lead to more deaths?
Don MacKenzie I spent Wednesday driving in my home province of British Columbia (BC), Canada, and I noticed something that had also struck me on my last visit: the speed limits on many of the province’s rural highways seemed surprisingly high relative to the physical design (geometry, sight lines) of the roads. Apparently this…
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