May 2, 2016
Submit abstracts now for Automated Vehicles Symposium 2016
I am part of a team organizing a session on “Effects of Vehicle Automation on Energy Use and Carbon Emissions” for the 2016 Automated Vehicle Symposium (July 19-21, San Francisco).
Symposium organizers invite presentations of new research results on the energy and climate implications of automated vehicles. Topics may include (but are not limited to) effects of automation on: vehicle design including size and energy efficiency; operational efficiency; adoption of alternative fuels; and demand for automotive transportation. We particularly welcome work with new insights regarding feedbacks and interactions among these at the system level, and the opportunities and limitations of public policy in directing vehicle automation toward the goals of increasing energy efficiency and reducing fuel carbon intensity.
If you are interested in sharing your work in this area at AVS 2016, please email an abstract to at your earliest convenience, but no later than May 15.
For proceedings of the 2015 Automated Vehicles Symposium’s session on Energy and Demand, see
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