I am a 3rd year PhD student in Human-Centered Design and Engineering (HCDE) at the University of Washington, Seattle, where I am co-advised by Dr. Sean Munson and  Dr. Julie Kientz. I am currently on leave of absence from the PhD program, living in Munich, Germany.

My research focuses on the intersection of family life, health/wellbeing and technology to establish an understanding of parents’ lived experience with the technology and information available to support their parenting. Combining my background in psychology with a human centered design perspective, I aim to create ways to support parents in their care for their children and themselves.

I hold a MS in Clinical Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience and a BS in Psychology from the Ludwig Maximilians Universität München. As a German native, I have lived and worked in Canada, Australia and the USA. Being outside in nature brings me joy so I try as much as possible to explore the great outdoors in the Pacific Northwest and around the world. 

I choose to publish as Susanne Kirchner which I see as my academic identity but you might see references to me as Kirchner-Adelhardt. While I prefer you refer to me as Susanne Kirchner, I won’t be offended if you don’t.





Kirchner, S., Schroeder, J., Fogarty, J., Munson, S. (2021). „They don’t always think about that”: Translational Needs in the Design of Personal Health Informatics Application. In Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors (CHI’ 21).

Kirchner, S., Sakaguchi-Tang, D, Michelson, R., Munson, S., Kientz, J. (2020). “This just felt to me like the right thing to do”: Decision-making Experiences of Parents of Young Children. In Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS ’20).

Kawas. S., Yuan Y., DeWitt, A., Jin, Q., Kirchner, S., Bilger, A., Grantham, E.O., Kientz, J., Tartaro, A., Yarosh, S. (2020). Another Decade of IDC Research: Examining and Reflecting on Values and Ethics. In Proceedings of the Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC ’20)

Goodman, S., Kirchner, S., Guttman, R., Dhruv, J., Froehlich, J., Findlater, L. (2020). Evaluating Smartwatch-based Sound Feedback for Deaf and Hard-of-hearing Users Across Contexts. Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors (CHI ’20).

Brudy, F., De Luca, A., Marlow, J., Sleeper, M., Kirchner-Adelhardt, S., Munson, S., & Nebeling, M. (2019). CHI 2019IEEE Pervasive Computing18(3), 70-76.

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