Emilia Casanova de Villaverde

Basic Information Emilia Casanova de Villaverde was a prominent political activist from Cuba, best known for her work with the movement for Cuban independence. She formed one of the earliest all-women organizations committed to the Antillean emancipation struggle, La Liga de las Hijas de Cuba. Casanova de Villaverde was the first Cuban woman to compose…

Jovita Idar

                  Basic Information Jovita Idar was a teacher, journalist, civil rights activist, nurse, and suffragist. Idar boldly spoke out about the injustices facing Tejanos during the early 1900s. Jovita Idar was born on September 7, 1885 in the borderland of Laredo, Texas. Idar was the second of…

Adeline Otero-Warren

        Basic Information Maria Adeline Emiila Otero-Warren was born in Los Lunas on October 23, 1881. Otero-Warren took on many different roles as she was an educator, politician, and suffragist (Martinez, 2019).  She helped secure women’s right to vote by getting the vote ratified in New Mexico (Whaley, 2008, pp. 85-88). She…

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