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Phase II Courses

The Area of Study

Once a student is admitted to Phase II, they form a Supervisory Committee to oversee their progress through the rest of their academic program. The committee must consist of at least three faculty members in the Interdisciplinary Group representing at least two academic departments; one member must be from the Department of Urban Design and Planning. Students requiring a committee of a different composition should submit a request to the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee recommends (but does not require) that students have at least four faculty members on their committee and that two of these be from the Department of Urban Design and Planning. Students will develop with their supervisory committee a description of their proposed areas of study. These will define areas of scholarship that must demonstrate an interdisciplinary research approach to an application within urban planning and policy. The description should develop a curriculum proposal approved by the supervisory committee that addresses the following advanced study requirements.

Phase II Curriculum Requirements

Students are required to complete five courses that satisfy broad categories of urban theories and urban design & planning. Many approved courses for each requirement draw on courses outside the URBDP program. Based on their own research program and agenda, students may select courses that align closely with one research cluster or may choose courses across research clusters. These requirements provide opportunities to establish relationships with faculty with whom they may wish to work as dissertation advisors or supervisory committee members. In addition, to complete this phase of the program, students must complete two additional advanced research design and methods courses, as well as a teaching methods seminar.

Phase II requirements involve 7 (total) courses and a teaching seminar, in addition to advanced courses directly related to the area of study selected by the student. Some of these courses may be taken in the first year.

Note: Coursework completed prior to Autumn 2020 may meet the requirements of either the current curriculum on these pages or of the Legacy Curriculum.  All Phase I and II course requirements can be tracked with this spreadsheet.

Urban Processes and Patterns

Students must complete at least three courses that satisfy the urban processes and patterns requirement. This requirement is designed to ensure a deeper understanding of the bio-physical and socio-economic forces that shape urban areas, and to draw on urban theories from multiple disciplines. Students who have a well-defined research direction that requires them to take other courses must first carefully explore other alternatives with their adviser and then apply to the steering committee for review and possible approval as an exception.

Choose three of the following:

Course Course Title Quarter Credits
ANTH 540 Anthropology of Place 5
ARCH 526 Topics in High Performance Buildings 3
ATM S 585 Climate Impacts on the Pacific Northwest Spring 4
ATM S 587 Fundamentals of Climate Change Autumn 3
ATM S 588 The Global Carbon Cycle and Climate Winter 3
B A 541 Environmental Management I 4
B A 542 Environmental Management II Autumn 4
CEE 576 Water Resources Planning 3
CET 564 Sustainable Transportation from a Systems Perspective Autumn 5
CET 565 Climate Change and Energy Winter 5
CET 567 Health and Sustainable Transportation Autumn 5
CET 568 Transportation Economics Winter 5
ECON 535 Natural Resource Economics 3
ECON 536 Environmental Economics 3
ECON 543 Population Economics 3
ECON 547/HSERV 587 Health Policy Economics 3
ECON 550 Public Finance: Expenditure Policy 3
ECON 551 Public Finance: Tax Policy 3
ECON 591 Microeconomics of Development Autumn 3
ENV H 518 Understanding and Managing the Health Risks of Climate Change Winter 3
ENV H 572 Environmental Risk and Society Autumn 3
GEOG 522 Research Seminar: Space, Technology, and Society (5) Winter 5
GEOG 531 Latin American Development Seminar 5
GEOG 541 Research Seminar: Feminist Geographies Autumn 5
GEOG 543 Research Seminar: Topics in Immigration, Ethnicity, and Race 5
GEOG 554 Research Seminar: Nature-Society Relations 5
GEOG 567 Research Seminar: Geography and Economic Development 5
GEOG 571 Research Seminar: Critical and Normative Ecologies 5
GEOG 576 Research Seminar: Geographies of Racial Formations and Postcolonialism 5
GEOG 578 Research Seminar: Theorizing the City 5
LARCH 561 The Human Experience of Place Autumn 3
POL S 587 Politics of Urban Reform 5
PPM 504 Perspectives on Institutions 4
PPM 514 Organizations, Management, and Theory 4
PUBPOL 547 Water Resource Economics 4
PUBPOL 566 Community and Economic Development Autumn 4
PUBPOL 574 Economics of Race and Inequality in the United States 3,4
PUBPOL 587 Native Nations, Native Lands, Native Waters Autumn 4
RE 516 Real Estate Economics and Market Analysis 4
SEFS 507 Soils and Land Use Problems 4
SEFS 508 Plants Process and Systems Modeling 3
SEFS 530 Introduction to Restoration Ecology 3
SEFS 541 Advanced Landscape Ecology 5
SOC 530 Urbanism and Urbanization 3
SOC 535 Foundations of Population Health and Health Disparities 3
SOC 513 Demography and Society 3
URBDP 505 Urban Form Not available in the future 4
URBDP 534 Environmental Planning Spring 3
URBDP 561 Urban Economics 4
URBDP 565 American Urban History Not available in the future 3
URBDP 576 Pedestrian Travel, Land Use, & Urban Form 3

Urban and Environmental Design and Planning

The disciplines of planning and urban design draw upon the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, engineering, and other applied fields, for the distinctive purposes of institutional and spatial transformation.

This requirement consists of two or more courses to ground interdisciplinary pursuits within the distinctive subfields of planning, design, and the governance of place.

Course Course Title Quarter Credits
ARCH 561 Urban Design Theory 3
CET 511 Planning for People and Freight Autumn 4
CET 561 Transportation Planning and Design Autumn 5
CET 583 Transportation Energy and Sustainability Spring 3
CET 589 Transit Systems Planning Autumn, Spring 3
INSC 581 Organizational Theories of Information Systems 4
POL S 505 Comparative Politics Core 5
POL S 509 Political Theory Core 5
POL S 522 International Political Economy 5
POL S 574 Environmental Regulation Policy 5
PPM 506 Advanced Microeconomics for Policy Analysis Autumn 4
PPM 508 Public Policy Processes Autumn 4
PPM 510 Public Policy Analysis 4
PUBPOL 564 Housing & Social Policy 4
PUBPOL 565 Topics in Urban Affairs 3-5
PUBPOL 597 Environmental Decision Analysis 4
RE 564 Affordable Housing Autumn 4
RE 565 Advanced Housing Studies Winter 4
SEFS 567 Advanced Ecology Winter 3
SEFS 571/PUBPOL 592 Environmental Policy Process 4
URBDP 524 Site Planning: Issues and Techniques Autumn 3
URBDP 532 Current Topics in Transportation Planning Winter 4
URBDP 534 Environmental Planning Spring 3
URBDP 538 Public Health and the Built Environment 2
URBDP 560/PUBPOL 560 Inequality, Governance, and Policy in the Metropolitan Region 3,4
URBDP 566 Infrastructure Planning and Finance Autumn 4
URBDP 567 Democracy, Citizenship, and Participation in the City 3
URBDP 573 Digital Design Practicum 4
URBDP 578/RE 550 Real Estate Development 4
URBDP 596 Community Resilience Spring 3
URBDP 598 Transportation and Environment Aut/Win/Spr 1-6

Advanced Research Design and Methods

All students must complete two additional courses that satisfy the advanced research design and methods requirement. The purpose of this requirement is to help students develop more focused and targeted research designs based on their own research interests, and to build their methodological capacity to implement this research. These courses may be either quantitative or qualitative in nature, depending on the student’s research interests.

Choose two of the following. (Note: Students who have already mastered material offered in Phase 1 [Quant/Qual] courses, may also select an additional quantitative and/or qualitative course from this section to count toward those respective Phase 1 requirements.)

Course Course Title Quarter Credits
BIOST 529 / CS&SS 529 / STAT 529 Sample Survey Techniques 3
CET 512 Transportation Data Collection Winter 3
CET 593 Transportation System Analysis Spring 3
COM 511 Content Analysis 5
COM 513 Fieldwork Research Methods 5
COM 527 Global Communication Research Methods 5
CS&SS 510 Maximum Likelihood Methods for Social Sciences Autumn 5
CS&SS 512 Time Series and Panel Data for Social Sciences 5
CS&SS 526 / SOC 529 Structural Equation Models for the Social Sciences 3
CS&SS 536 Analysis of Categorical & Count Data Autumn 3
CS&SS 544 Event History Analysis for the Social Sciences 5
CS&SS 560 Hierarchical Modeling for the Social Sciences 4
CS&SS 564/STAT 564 Bayesian Statistics for the Social Sciences 4
CS&SS 566 / STAT 566 Causal Modeling 4
CS&SS 567 Statistical Analysis of Social Networks Autumn 4
CS&SS 589 Multivariate Data Analysis for the Social Sciencesÿ Autumn 4
CS&SS 594 Special Topics In Social Science And Statistics (e.g., Multiway Data Analysis) 1-5
ECON 500 Microeconomic Analysis 1 Autumn 4
ECON 501 Microeconomic Analysis 2 Winter 4
ECON 508 Microeconomic Analysis 3 Spring 4
EDPSY 588 Survey Research Methodology Winter 3
ENVH 577 / PUBPOL 589 Risk Assessment for Environmental Health Hazards Autumn 4
ENVH 593 Current Topics in Risk Assessment Autumn 2
EPI 511 Introduction to Epidemiology Autumn 4
EPI 538 Nutritional Epidemiology 3
GEOG 526 Advanced Quantitative Methods in Geography 5
HSTRY 596/597 History Research Seminar Autumn 5
PUBPOL 526 Program Evaluation 4
SEFS 502 Analytical Techniques for Community Ecology Winter 4
SOC 526 Causal Approach to Theory Building & Data Analysis 3
SOC WL 585/586 Qualitative Methods in Social Work Research Autumn 3
STAT 512 Statistical Inference Autumn 4
STAT 513 Statistical Inference Winter 4
URBDP 522 Urban & Regional Geospatial Analysis 5

Teaching Methods

One URBDP Progam Office approved teaching seminar before completion of phase III.

General Examination

A critical review of the literature in the area of study must be developed by the student, which integrates interdisciplinary research on the area of study selected by the student, and identifies areas of potential research opportunity that may subsequently form the basis for a dissertation proposal. The review should demonstrate broad familiarity with relevant research in the chosen area, and with the range of theory and methods applied within the reviewed literature. The committee will provide feedback to the student at this stage about areas of additional study that may be required before a suitable dissertation proposal may be developed. Once advanced coursework in the area of study and critical review of the literature are completed, the student and committee schedule a General Examination, in which the Supervisory Committee evaluates the preparedness of the student to advance to doctoral candidate status, and to begin developing a dissertation proposal. It will be designed and evaluated by the student’s supervisory committee.