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October 13: “Exploring Partnership between Transit Agency and Shared Mobility Company: An Incentive Program for App-Based Carpooling” Research Seminar from Ph.D. Student Yiyuan Wang

Yiyuan Wang, PhD StudentYiyuan Wang will present recent work performed in collaboration with Professor Qing Shen and Casey Gifford at King County Metro. This study examines the Carpool Incentive Fund program launched by King County Metro in the Seattle region, which offers monetary incentives for participants who commute using a dynamic app-based carpooling service. Through descriptive analysis and a series of logistic regression models, the study investigates the impacts of such incentives on individual’s travel behavior and regional mobility.

Yiyuan is a Ph.D. student of the Department of Urban Design and Planning at the University of Washington, Seattle. He is interested in applying economic theories and models to investigate the impact of new transportation technologies on individual travel behavior and public policymaking. He is a Research Assistant at the Urban Infrastructure Lab and the Urban Form Lab at the University of Washington.