You asked, we listened! Over the summer we conducted focus groups with UW Tacoma undergraduate students to better understand how students here use our library reference services. The result? A lot of amazing information about what your needs, questions, and suggestions are!
One priority for us was making it very clear what it is that we do for students and faculty every day here on campus.
Thus: the unit formerly known as “Reference and Research Services” has been rebranded as Research Help!
But instead of reading, why don’t you listen to what your fellow students and your librarians have to say about Research Help!
In other words, know this. We offer:
- Drop in service is available (note scheduled hours)
- You can get help at any stage at the desk
- It is okay not to know what to do, that’s why we’re here
- We all learn something all the time about new resources or new ways of finding information
- Any question is okay
- You are not “interrupting” us
- Anyone working at desk is trained to help you
- Domain of librarians is information not just what’s in the library
- We are educators trained to help people think critically about information
- We are here to help at any point and with any question
If you have any questions about research help, please reach out to Suzanne Klinger.