“This book is one of my favorite books. It takes us through the life of a person as he struggles with his idea about what life should be. Though set in ancient times, his struggles and the victories are still relevant. At some level we are still searching for the same things. I like the simplicity with which life’s complex questions are woven in the story.”
Ankur Suri, M.S.
School of Engineering and Technology
Promoted to Senior Lecturer, Spring 2018
Find Siddhartha in the Library
Meaningful reads is a recommended book series commemorating the promotion and tenure of faculty at the University of Washington Tacoma. Beginning with the 2017-2018 academic year, newly promoted or tenured faculty are invited to share a book with thoughts on why the book was meaningful to their career or life.
Additional note: If you’re a regular follower of this blog, and are struck by a feeling of déjà vu, it’s not just you. We’ve had two faculty members who submitted Siddhartha as their meaningful read. Take heed! 🙂