Recommended reading: “Feminism and Evolutionary Biology”

Image of Prof. Jeremy Davis with a cover image of his recommended book, "Feminism and Evolutionary Biology"
Courtesy of UW Tacoma

“I read this edited volume as a young graduate student in a seminar with my thesis advisor, Dr. Judy Stamps. I’ve chosen this book in part because it had a meaningful impact on the questions I ask in my own science – launching my research program into female reproductive decisions and their transgenerational impacts on their descendants (in non-human animals). More importantly, it has had a lasting impact on my understanding of the process and culture of science. Its examples of the historical shifting of theories in evolutionary biology and behavior reveal how science is ultimately driven by the questions asked and hypotheses offered, which in turn, are dependent on background and experiences of scientists developing them. Knowing this, scientists and educators (like the faculty at UWT) can shape and improve science by recruiting and training scientists that reflect the full range of human experiences and identities.”

Jeremy Davis, Ph.D.
School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences
Science and Math Division
Promoted to Senior Lecturer, Spring 2018

Find Feminism and Evolutionary Biology in the Library

Meaningful reads is a recommended book series commemorating the promotion and tenure of faculty at the University of Washington Tacoma. Beginning with the 2017-2018 academic year, newly promoted or tenured faculty are invited to share a book with thoughts on why the book was meaningful to their career or life.