The library is excited to share the scholarly work of our community with campus through Digital Commons, author profiles, and the Library blog. The list below includes all known books, book chapters, edited volumes, and peer-reviewed articles that were first published (including online) between April 1 – June 15, 2020. This preliminary list was generated through a search of Scopus and Google Scholar, as well as from faculty alerting our office about their work. Our final list will be published alongside funded research profiles, with the Office of Research in our Quarterly Publications & Research Awards.
An unlocked symbol appears beside all works that are available Open Access (OA), which means that it “is digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions” (Peter Suber). We call attention to OA work because it enables the wider community to engage with it. To be available OA, the work must be either published in an OA journal; shared via a disciplinary OA repository; or deposited in UW Tacoma Digital Commons. If you have questions about how to openly share your work, please contact us.
Scholarly Publications
Eyhab Al-Masri (SET) with co-author: “A User-Centered Handoff Procedure in 5G Cellular Networks” in Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2020 (WWW ’20 Companion), DOI: 10.1145/3366424.3382721
Eyhab Al-Masri (SET) with co-authors: “Edgify: Resource Allocation Optimization for Edge Clouds Using Stable Matching” in Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2020 (WWW ’20 Companion), DOI: 10.1145/3366424.3382732
Eyhab Al-Masri (SET) with co-authors: “Emerging Hardware Prototyping Technologies as Tools for Learning” in IEEE Access, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2991014
Eyhab Al-Masri (SET) with co-authors: “Investigating Messaging Protocols for the Internet of Things (IoT)” in IEEE Access, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2993363
Mohamed Ali (SET) with co-authors: “Road Network Simplification for Location-Based Services” in GeoInformatica, DOI: 10.1007/s10707-020-00406-x
Orlando Baiocchi (SET) with co-authors: “An Online Remote Verification System of Thermal Sources for Energy Harvesting Application” in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2020.2986105
Paulo Barreto (SET) with co-authors: “Schnorr-Based Implicit Certification: Improving the Security and Efficiency of Vehicular Communications” in IEEE Transactions on Computers, DOI: 10.1109/TC.2020.2988637
Connie Beck (SIAS/SBHS) with co-authors: “Families Who Return To The Child Welfare System After A Previous Termination Of Parental Rights: Few In Number, High In Court Utilization” in Family Court Review
Connie Beck (SIAS/SBHS) with co-authors: “Intimate Partner Violence and Family Dispute Resolution: Immediate Outcomes From a Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Shuttle Mediation, Videoconferencing Mediation, and Traditional Litigation” in Psychology, Public Policy, and Law.
Connie Beck (SIAS/SBHS) with co-authors: “Understanding the Perception of Stakeholders in Reducing Adolescent-to-Parent Violence/Aggression” in Journal of Adolescence, DOI: 10.1016/j.adolescence.2020.02.015
Kawena Begay (Education) with co-authors: “Characterizing Olfactory Function in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Children with Sensory Processing Dysfunction” in Brain Sciences, DOI: 10.3390/brainsci10060362
Bonnie Becker (SIAS/SAM) with co-authors: “Spatial and Temporal Distribution of the Early Life History Stages of the Native Olympia Oyster Ostrea lurida (Carpenter, 1864) in a Restoration Site in Northern Puget Sound, Wa” in Journal of Shellfish Research, DOI: 10.2983/035.039.0105
Rubén Casas (SIAS/CAC) with co-authors: “Precarious Economies: Capitalism’s Creative Destruction in the Age of Neoliberal Campus Planning” in Review of Communication, DOI: 10.1080/15358593.2020.1737197
Erin Casey (SWCJ) with co-authors: “Assessing The Evidence: How Systems That Address Intimate Partner Violence Evaluate The Credibility And Utility Of Research Findings” in Journal of Family Violence, DOI: 10.1007/s10896-020-00163-3
Debasis Dawn (SET) with co-authors: “Radio Frequency Reliability Studies of CMOS RF Integrated Circuits for Ultra-Thin Flexible Packages” in Electronics Letters, DOI: 10.1049/el.2019.3420
Yonn Dierwechter (Urban Studies) with co-authors: “When Open Data and Data Activism Meet: An Analysis of Civic Participation in Cape Town, South Africa” in The Canadian Geographer / Le Géographe canadien, DOI: 10.1111/cag.12608
Charles Emlet (SWCJ) with co-authors: “Older Caregivers With HIV: An Unrecognized Gap in the Literature” in Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, DOI: 10.1097/JNC.0000000000000180
Charles Emlet (SWCJ) with co-authors: “Research priorities for rehabilitation and aging with HIV: a framework from the Canada-International HIV and Rehabilitation Research Collaborative (CIHRRC)” in AIDS Research and Therapy, DOI: 10.1186/s12981-020-00280-5
Robin Evans-Agnew (NHL) with co-author: “Ethics in Photovoice: A Response to Teti” in International Journal of Qualitative Methods, DOI: 10.1177/1609406920922734
Rich Furman (SWCJ): “The Role of the Question in Writing the Self: Implications for Poetry Therapy” in Journal of Poetry Therapy, DOI: 10.1080/08893675.2020.1776973
Ling-Hong Hung, Ka Yee Yeung, Wes Lloyd (SET) with co-authors: “Profiling Resource Utilization of Bioinformatics Workflows”
Juhua Hu (SET) with co-authors: “Representation Learning with Fine-grained Patterns” in arXiv:2005.09681 [cs]
Athirai Irissappane (SET) with co-authors: “DCRAC: Deep Conditioned Recurrent Actor-Critic for Multi-Objective Partially Observable Environments” in Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
Shalini Jain (Milgard) with co-author: “Not All That Glitters is Golden: The Impact of Procedural Fairness Perceptions on Firm Evaluations and Customer Satisfaction with Favorable Outcomes” in Journal of Business Research, DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.06.006
Shalini Jain, Arindam Tripathy (Milgard) with co-authors: “The Impact of Implicit Theories of Personality Malleability on Opportunistic Financial Reporting” in Journal of Business Research, DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.05.043
Maureen C. Kennedy (SIAS/SAM) with co-authors: “Effects of Post-Fire Management on Dead Woody Fuel Dynamics and Stand Structure in a Severely Burned Mixed-Conifer Forest, in Northeastern Washington State, USA” in Forest Ecology and Management, DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118190
Maureen C. Kennedy (SIAS/SAM) with co-authors: “Quantifying How Sources of Uncertainty in Combustible Biomass Propagate to Prediction of Wildland Fire Emissions” in International Journal of Wildland Fire, DOI: 10.1071/WF19160
Jaeran Kim (SWCJ) with co-authors: “Korean Adoptees as Parents: Intergenerationality of Ethnic, Racial, and Adoption Socialization” in Family Relations, DOI: 10.1111/fare.12439
Larry Knopp (SIAS/SHS) with co-author: “Travel Guides, Urban Spatial Imaginaries and LGBTQ+ Activism: The Case of Damron Guides” in Urban Studies, DOI: 10.1177/0042098020913457
Ed Kolodziej (SIAS/SAM) with co-authors: “More Than a First Flush: Urban Creek Storm Hydrographs Demonstrate Broad Contaminant Pollutographs” in Environmental Science & Technology, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.0c00872
Sharon S. Laing (NHL) with co-authors: “Technology’s Role in Promoting Physical Activity and Healthy Eating in Working Rural Women: A Cross-Sectional Quantitative Analysis” in Avicenna Journal of Medicine, DOI: 10.4103/ajm.ajm_175_19
Wes Lloyd (SET) with co-authors: “Characterizing Public Cloud Resource Contention to Support Virtual Machine Co-residency Prediction” in 2020 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E), DOI: 10.1109/IC2E48712.2020.00024
Chris Marriot (SET) with co-author: “Reproductive Division of Labor in a Colony of Artificial Ants” in Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Artificial Life: How Can Artificial Life Help Solve Societal Challenges, ALIFE 2019
Gillian Marshall (SWCJ) with co-authors: “The Moderating Effect of Social Support and Social Integration on the Relationship Between Involuntary Job Loss and Health” in Journal of Applied Gerontology, DOI: 10.1177/0733464820921082
Gillian Marshall (SWCJ) with co-authors: “The Price of Mental Well-Being in Later Life: The Role of Financial Hardship and Debt” in Aging & Mental Health, DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2020.1758902
James McCarty (Center for Equity and Inclusion): “The Power of Hope in the Work of Justice: Christian Ethics After Despair” in Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics, DOI: 10.5840/jsce202051823
Pierpaolo Mudu (Urban) with co-author: “Care without Control: The Humanitarian Industrial Complex and the Criminalisation of Solidarity” in Geopolitics, DOI: 10.1080/14650045.2020.1749839
Anderson Nascimento (SET) with co-authors: “On the Commitment Capacity of Unfair Noisy Channels” in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, DOI: 10.1109/TIT.2020.2967048
Alyssa Ramírez Stege (SIAS/SBSH) with co-authors: “Bridging the Gap: Addressing the Mental Health Needs of Underrepresented Collegiate Students at Psychology Training Clinics” in Training and Education in Professional Psychology, DOI: 10.1037/tep0000282
Gregory Rose, Altaf Merchant (Milgard) with co-authors: “Sports Teams Heritage: Measurement and Application in Sponsorship” in Journal of Business Research, DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.03.040
Shahrokh Saudagaran (Milgard) with co-authors: “Sustainability Reporting and Bank Performance After Financial Crisis: Evidence from Developed and Developing Countries” in Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal, DOI: 10.1108/CR-04-2019-0040
Shahrokh Saudagaran (Milgard) with co-authors: “Sustainability Reporting and Performance of MENA Banks: Is There a Trade-Off?” in Measuring Business Excellence, DOI: 10.1108/MBE-09-2018-0078
Christopher Schell (SIAS/SAM): “Investigating the Genetic and Environmental Architecture of Interpack Aggression in North American Grey Wolves” in Molecular Ecology, DOI: 10.1111/mec.15453
Peter Selkin (SIAS/SAM) with co-authors: “Middle to Late Pleistocene Evolution of the Bengal Fan: Integrating Core and Seismic Observations for Chronostratigraphic Modeling of the IODP Expedition 354 8° North Transect” in Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, DOI: 10.1029/2019GC008878
Jie Sheng (SET) with co-authors: “Separable Multi-Innovation Stochastic Gradient Estimation Algorithm for the Nonlinear Dynamic Responses of Systems” in International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, DOI: 10.1002/acs.3113
Jarek Sierschynski (Education) with co-author: “Culturally Sustaining Instruction for Arabic-Speaking English Learners” in The Reading Teacher, DOI: 10.1002/trtr.1920
Barb Toews (SWCJ) with co-authors: “Feeling at Home in Nature: A Mixed Method Study of the Impact of Visitor Activities and Preferences in a Prison Visiting Room Garden” in Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, DOI: 10.1080/10509674.2020.1733165
Weichao Yuwen (NHL) with co-authors: “A Wizard-of-Oz Interface and Persona-based Methodology for Collecting Health Counseling Dialog” in Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts, DOI: 10.1145/3334480.3382902
Books and Edited Volumes
Edward Chamberlain (SIAS/CAC): “Imagining LatinX Intimacies: Connecting Queer Stories, Spaces and Sexualities” (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers)
William Kunz (SIAS/CAC): “The Political Economy of Sports Television” (Routledge)
Eric Madfis (SWCJ): “How to Stop School Rampage Killing: Lessons from Averted Mass Shootings and Bombings” (Palgrave Macmillan)
Book Chapters
Cassie M. Miura (SIAS): ““Sweet Moistning Sleepe”: Perturbations of the Mind and Rest for the Body in Robert Burton’s Anatomy of Melancholy” in Forming Sleep: Representing Consciousness in the English Renaissance (Penn State University Press)
Johann J. K. Reusch (SIAS/SHS): “German Domestic Pedestrian Tourism and the Rhetoric of National Historical Memory, Empire, and Middle-Class Identity 1780s–1850s” in Cultures of Memory in the Nineteenth Century: Consuming Commemoration (Springer International Publishing)
Riki Thompson (SIAS/CAC) with co-author: “Disruptive practice: Multimodality, innovation and standardisation from the medieval to the digital text” in Message and Medium (De Gruyter Mouton)
Riki Thompson (SIAS/CAC): “English Language and Mulitmodal Narrative” in The Routledge Handbook of English Language and Digital Humanities (Routledge)
*Note: This list comprises all known peer-reviewed publications first published, including on-line, during the Spring 2020 quarter (April 1- June 15, 2020), as well as books, book chapters, and edited volumes published during the same period and reported to the Library and/or found in Scopus or Google Scholar).
Research Awards
Congratulations to our Spring 2020 UW Royalty Research Fund award recipients Professors Katie Haerling and Turan Kayaoglu!
Katie Haerling, Nursing and Healthcare Leadership
Examining Theory-based Debriefing Practices after Virtual Simulation Experiences
Experiential learning is an essential component of all practice-based disciplines. Simulations, and more recently virtual simulations, are widely used as facilitated opportunities for learners to engage in interactive experiential learning. While decades of research have helped establish theory and best practices for facilitating learning through the experiential learning process in traditional simulation-based activities, there is limited research establishing how theory and best practices apply in the virtual environment. The primary purpose of this project is to deepen knowledge about effective strategies for debriefing after virtual simulation experiences – a vital but under-examined component of experiential learning that is key to unlocking the potential of virtual simulation in nursing and other practice-based fields.
Turan Kayaoglu, SIAS
Rethinking Islam and Human Rights: Voices from the Grassroots
Are Islam and human rights compatible? So far debate on this question has been confined to conservative jurists, reformist Islamists, and liberal scholars, all of whom focus on textual interpretations of specific Islamic sources and ignore grassroots Muslim voices. “Rethinking Islam and Human Rights: Voices from the Grassroots” aims to recast this debate by asking how Islamic human rights non-governmental organizations (NGOs) protect and promote human rights. Specifically, the proposed project explores how grassroots activists utilize human rights and, in the process, reconcile Islam and human rights in their human rights activism.
Congratulations to the following externally sponsored research award recipients at UW Tacoma. (Awards received between April-June 2020)
Julia Aguirre, Education
Collaborative Research: Advancing Equity and Strengthening Teaching with Elementary Mathematical Modeling (EQ-STEMM)
National Science Foundation (NSF)
EQ-STEMM focuses on equity-centered professional development (PD) designed to improve mathematics teaching and learning through mathematical modeling (MM) in grades K-5. MM gives students equitable access to complex problem solving, quantitative reasoning and communication skills required for participation in STEM-related disciplines and civic engagement (English & Sriraman, 2010; Lesh & Zawojewski, 2007). Project goals are to a) increase equitable participation and learning of mathematical modeling for culturally and linguistically diverse children; b) develop and test tools and resources to strengthen MM instruction that leverages students’ lived experiences and cultural funds of knowledge; and c) develop and refine a model for an innovative practice-based PD that includes on-line hybrid learning spaces for teachers in diverse settings.
Maureen Kennedy, SIAS
Quantitative methods for fuel characterization and management
US Forest Service, US Department of Agriculture (USDA)
This project is funded through a Joint Venture Agreement (JVA) that supports the productive collaboration between the Division of Science and Mathematics (SAM) in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Science (SIAS) at the University of Washington Tacoma and the Fire and Environmental Applications (FERA) team in the Pacific Wildland Fire Sciences Laboratory, PNW Station. The mission of FERA is to inform management of natural resources through research and development in fuels and combustion science, fire and landscape ecology, and integration of the physical and ecological sciences. This JVA continues and expands on the existing collaboration that has existed between FERA and the UW to an explicitly interdisciplinary context on the Tacoma campus, with an emphasis on advanced and innovative quantitative techniques for data analysis and model development.
This research collaboration also aims to provide opportunities for undergraduate research and for undergraduates to develop relationships with a federal government agency, exposing them to the practice of science to inform management in a government agency.
Joel Baker, Center for Urban Waters
Technology Assessment Protocol – Ecology
Washington State Department of Ecology
The Technical Assessment Protocol – Ecology (TAPE) program provides verification and certification of Manufactured Treatment Systems (MTDs) used to treat storm water in Washington State. Using MTDs with TAPE-program approval assists permittees in achieving and maintaining permit compliance and helps to ensure that local funds are not expended on products that do not provide a water quality benefit. Investigators at UW Tacoma’s Center for Urban Waters will work with Ecology to accept and review applications, review and respond to the submitter of Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPPs) and Technical Evaluation Reports (TERs), maintain and edit the TAPE guidance manual, attend meetings with potential applicants, manage the Board of External Reviewers (BER), and other activities to keep TAPE moving forward.
Andy James, Center for Urban Waters
King County Wastewater Effluent Discharge Assessment – Impact to Marine Organisms
Washington State University (WSU)/King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks
Dr. James and Center for Urban Waters project staff will perform sampling and analysis to support the characterization of impacts from wastewater-associated chemicals on important marine species in Puget Sound. This will include sampling and analysis of wastewater treatment plant effluent (Brightwater, West Point, and South Plant), five estuarine water locations in Puget Sound, and water and tissue from controlled exposure studies. The project team will analyze water and fish tissue samples for a fish exposure study being performed by WSU and NOAA personnel at the WSU Puyallup research facility. Quantification of chemical occurrence in water and tissue samples will be provided for those compounds for which there are existing calibration standards available at the Center for Urban Waters facilities.
Marc Nahmani, SIAS
Uncovering the Presynaptic Function of Autism Spectrum Disorder-Associated Protein GRIP
M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust Foundation
This M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust Partners in Science grant will partner University of Washington Tacoma Assistant Professor Marc Nahmani with Margaret Walter of Stadium High School. A primary goal of Partners in Science awards is to provide high school teachers with opportunities to work on innovative science, and thus to revitalize their teaching and help them to appreciate the use of inquiry-based methods in the teaching of science. The program enables teachers and academic scientists to collaborate in the advancement of science, with the goal that both will grow professionally in the process. High school teachers begin to see themselves as scientists as well as being an integral part of the scientific community. Teachers will be a part of a cohort of teachers forming a professional learning community and will present their research at a national science conference in January after each summer of research. Faculty mentors benefit from research assistance and contact with those shaping their future students. All partners develop broader understanding of the linkages between high school and college science education.
More specifically, Ms. Walter will be submersed in hands-on experimentation guided by Dr. Nahmani to investigate the distribution of the ASD-related protein GRIP1 within excitatory and inhibitory presynaptic boutons, and to determine whether homeostatic plasticity effects the amount of presynaptic GRIP1.
Next time please include my Radcilffe fellowship at Harvard that starts in fall and goes all year. Its written up on UWT website. Also published in Time magazine special issue on ML King
Hi Mike, thanks for the note! I’ll made sure that the folks who out together the Scholarly Publications & Research work get your message!