Working on finals and missing your favorite study spot in the library? Need some accountability to finish up a project? Join the library for a Silent Study Party!
What is a Silent Study Party?
Inspired by the Silent Reading Parties that began in Seattle and have spread across the country, the Silent Study Party is a virtual space that is meant to create a focused and relaxed time for you to work on your finals. We will have a “cozy fire” and classical music playing where we can work alone, but together. You are welcome to share your camera or keep it off. Have a question? Librarians will be available to help via chat or a breakout room.
Friday December 11, 2020 between 12-2pm.
Meeting ID: 977 0666 8499
+12532158782,,97706668499# US (Tacoma)
+12063379723,,97706668499# US (Seattle)
Monday December 14, 2020 between 3-5pm.
Meeting ID: 917 1050 8445
+12532158782,,91710508445# US (Tacoma)
+12063379723,,91710508445# US (Seattle)
Feel free to pop in for a quick 15 minutes, or stay for the whole time. You will need to use your UW NetID to join.