Publish & Flourish: William Kunz

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Publish and Flourish is an annual event that celebrates the accomplishments of our staff and faculty who have published monographs within the past year. The UW Tacoma Library purchases all staff and faculty publications to make them available to our campus community. This year’s event is being hosted online through our blog. 

This week we are highlighting:


The Political Economy of Sports Television

Author: William Kunz, Ph.D.

Department: Culture, Arts, and Communication (CAC)

“Drawing from theories of the political economy of communication, this book offers readers a comprehensive data-rich assessment of contemporary sports television and its evolution.

With historic and current data on rights fees for sports television leagues and events as well as carriage fees and subscription levels for sports-related cable and satellite services, this comparative study offers critical information for students and scholars conducting research on sports television.” — Routledge


Find the ebook in the UW Libraries catalog here

Learn more about the author here


The UW Tacoma Library is very proud of your accomplishments, William Kunz. Congratulations!