Publish and Flourish: Kim Davenport


Publish and Flourish is an annual event that celebrates the accomplishments of our staff and faculty who have published monographs within the past year. The UW Tacoma Library purchases all staff and faculty publications to make them available to our campus community. This year’s event is being hosted online through our blog. 

This week we are highlighting:

Sounds of our City: Twenty-One Musical Tales from Tacoma History

Author: Kim Davenport

Department: Division of Culture, Arts, & Communication in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences

Book cover for "Sounds of our City: Twenty-One Musical Tales from Tacoma History" by Kim Davenport“Music is universal. Styles may change with time and place, but human beings have always created music for personal expression, communication, and entertainment. Music, therefore, can serve as a lens through which to explore history. What type of music did people make when, and why?

The twenty-one stories in this book do not necessarily represent the most famous or successful musicians ever to create music in Tacoma. They do not give us a comprehensive understanding of any particular musical genre. Rather, they teach us more about the history of the city we live in, through exploring the lives of musicians who were in one way or another shaped by Tacoma.”
THS Press

Find the book in the UW Libraries catalog here.

Learn more about the author here.

The UW Tacoma Library is very proud of your accomplishments, Kim Davenport. Congratulations!